Chapter 16: Skull Rock

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-trigger warning-

Eddie woke up earlier than his lover. He had Y/N laying next to him, her arms wrapped around him tightly. The only thing that covered them was his jacket. He smiled at the sight of her just peacefully sleeping like an angel. He kissed her forehead before he carefully slid himself out of her embrace, so he could grab his clothes and dress up. He left his jacket to cover her, as it was definitely going to be cold.

As he was dressing himself up with the same set of clothes he had, he saw the walkie she threw on the floor last night. He wondered what happened that made her so scared. She had never looked so afraid of something. By the time he got his belt done, he got down from the rock and took her walkie. He pulled up the antenna and tried to contact the others.

"Dustin? Can you hear me? Wheeler?" He called out.

"Eddie, holy shit. Are you okay?"

He made a fist as he rejoiced that the others responded to him. He held his face in relief. "Nah, man. Pretty...pretty goddamn far from okay."

"Where are you?"

"Skull Rock. Do you know it?"

"Uh, yeah. That's near Cornwallis and-"

"Garrett, yeah. I know where that is."

Eddie heard Steve butting in.

"Yeah, that's the one. Hey, I'm with your cousin, by the way." He said.

"What?! What's she doing there?!"

"Well, we were talking on the walkie and she found out-"

"Ah, shit. Stay there, both of you. We're coming."

Eddie lightly chuckled at Dustin's annoyed and protective voice. He loved how the two of them are just overly protective of one another. That was true family.

He then looked up the rock as he heard Y/N panting and whining, as if something was wrong. He quickly climbed up the rock and saw that she was crying in her sleep. She looked so scared.

"Y/N, hey. Sweetheart, wake up." He told her as he held her in his arms and shook her to wake her up. "Y/N, wake up."

Y/N instantly woke up and gasped as she sat up in fear, kicking as if something was getting close to her. Eddie pulled her close so he'd embrace her and tried to calm her down.

"Sweetheart, hey, it's okay. I'm here. Nothing's gonna hurt you." He whispered as he stroked her hair for support.

She slowly calmed down, his embrace making her feel safe. "Eddie.."

"Yes, darling?" He asked her.

"Stay with me, please." She pleaded him, her hand tugging his shirt as if he'd leave her.

Eddie held her chin and made her look at him. "I won't leave you, my love. I'm not going anywhere."

The feeling of his arms around her made her calm, and she was finally at peace.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked her.

She shook her head. ", I'm fine."

Eddie knew she was lying to him. She had nightmares non-stop. How could she possibly be fine?

He decided not to ask her more questions, as he knows that it would annoy her. He took her bra and slowly puts it on her. She gave him a side eye as he puts in on and smiled.

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