Chapter 22: SOS

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"Dustin? Dustin?!"

Everyone kept screaming out the name of the younger Henderson, hoping to find a way to get back by following his voice.

"All right, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag." Steve said.

"As much as I want to agree with the latter, the answer is the former." Y/N said, pointing her flashlight behind the curtains to see if there was a way out.

"Will found a way." Nancy said.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." Nancy said, a hint of excitement in her voice as she figured out a way to communicate with the others.

"Who's Joyce?" Eddie asked Y/N.

"Will's mom. I only met her a couple times when I had to go pick up Dustin. Very sweet woman." Y/N said, as she follows Nancy to wherever she was going.

Nancy was trying to switch on the lights, but it wasn't working. Steve turned around, and his flashlight was pointing at a light.

"Guys?" Steve called out to them. "You seeing this?"

The rest of the gang looked at what Steve was talking about. A glowing orange-like aura was all around the light. Nancy held up her hand to touch it, and it glowed more.

"Woah.." Eddie said as he walked closer to them, hand in hand with Y/N so he was sure she wasn't left behind. Eddie reaches for it, and he had a smile on his face as he played with it. "Come try this, sweetheart."

Y/N looked at Eddie and chuckled. "You're such a kid."

She held up her hand and touched the glowing aura as well. She was fascinated by it, how it tickles.

"It...tickles.." Steve said as he also touched it.

"Right?" Y/N agreed with Steve.

"It kinda feels good." Robin said.

"Does anyone know Morse code?" Nancy asked.

Everyone puts their hands down, disagreeing with her. "No."

"Wait, does SOS count?" Eddie asked. Everyone looked at him. "Is that...Is that good?"

"Sweetie, yes." Y/N replied.

"Okay, okay. Great." Eddie said, nodding to Y/N. He reached out his hand once more and started doing the morse code for SOS.

"It's working." Robin said.

For some reason, Y/N heard her cousin whisper to himself. S...O...S... He got the message.

"That's it. He got it." Y/N said. "I heard him say the letters."


They found themselves sitting in Nancy's bedroom once again, staring at this toy her sister has. They could communicate through there.

"Come on, come on." Steve muttered to himself.

Eddie was close to Y/N, and he heard her humming to a tune. He smiled. At a situation like this, Y/N would find any way to have music.

"You're really humming to SOS at a time like this?" Robin pointed out.

"What? It's really catchy." Y/N said. "Also, I do need some songs. And you guys initiated the interest."

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