Chapter 8: Cunningham Murder

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"Oh so now that I'm here you can't let me hear her?"

"Because I can't connect to her!"

"Well that's just great! I came all the way here and I can't hear your girlfriend's voice?" Y/N complained.

"I told you, I can't reach Suzie no matter how hard I try!" Dustin said. "Jesus Christ, you should know that."

Y/N crossed her arms and sat on Dustin's bed. She was having another headache. Headaches were thrown at her from left to right ever since she got back at Hawkins.

"No, don't give me that look. You know I can't stand seeing you mad." Dustin sighed.

She rolled her eyes and went out instead to watch TV. Dustin was following her, trying to explain the situation he and his girlfriend, Suzie, were in.

"Breaking news, Hawkins High Student reported dead. The police are keeping the student's identity anonymous until they identify the main suspect."

As Y/N watched the TV, she instantly recognized the location. A place she was very familiar with, one where she goes to back in '83.

"Eddie." She mumbled to herself.

Was he alright? Did he found the body? Or perhaps?

She was shaking, terrified by what she was seeing. Dustin had noticed her and quickly aided her.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked as he held her to make sure she wouldn't fall.

"Eddie." Was all she could say as she was trying to stand up without falling because of her weak knees.

If anything happened to him, she didn't know what would happen to her.

After a few more attempts, she finally got up. She quickly grabbed her keys and her helmet and walked out of the house.

"Where are you going?" Dustin called out.

She was already on her motorbike, ready to go. "I have to see if Eddie is fine."

On the drive to Eddie's place, she was imagining what she'd see when she gets there. It horrified her, and she hoped he's fine.

When she arrived, the police were gathered at his trailer. She quickly parked her motorbike and ran towards the trailer.

"Woah, sorry. We can't allow you to go in." Said a police officer as he stopped her.

"Sir, I have to see if my friend is alright." She said, worry and panic evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry, but we're really not allowed to let people in." He said.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath.


She looked at the man calling her. And she was happy to see him. It was Eddie's uncle, Wayne. She ran towards him and hugged him.

"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Massachusetts?" Wayne asked.

"I'm only back for break." She replied. "Is Eddie alright? Was he the one-"

"No. No, that's not Eddie. I'm not sure where he is right now. But I know he didn't kill her."


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