Adapting to a new life and making friends

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Battler pov

The first thing i saw when i opened my eyes was a white ceiling, i looked around and saw a doctor discussing with the black haired man that save me,  i remembered the discussion with shirou and the promise, then i fused with shirou's body and  fainted.

Noticing me waking up the doctor stopped his discussion and came closer to me.

Doctor " ah! you're awake! how are you? do you feeling any pain right now?"

Battler"my body feels fine but my head is killing me other than that i ----" as i was saying that a loud noise came from my stomach... " guess i m hungry ihihihi!"

Doctor "then i'll bring you something to eat hahaha meanwhile the man who brought you here wish to talk to you".
As the doctor went to grab some food the dark haired man took a sit next to my bed and started speaking.

??? " My name is emiya kiritsugu what is yours young man?"

i quickly thought about which name to use, i could go with shirou but since i'am the one starting over using my name would be appropriate

Battler with a monotone voice " Battler as for my family name i guess it doesn't matter anymore"

Kiritsugu" i see hey once all of your injuries are healed  would you like  to live with me and become my son?"

Battler "huh!?" this man was ready to adopt him just like that?

Kiritsugu " we both lost everything in this fire, how about we help each other and start by becoming a family though i'll be honest i'm far from a great father i can barely take care of myself so it's definitely going to be tough at the beginning but i'm sure we'll manage"

lost everything and needing help to heal... is it going to be all the encounters shirou was supposed to have? no wonder he would have turned out this way.

Battler"ihihi then i can say the same about me,take care of me old man!"

Few days later battler was released from the hospital and he started his life as Emiya Battler, kiritsugu wasn't lying when he said he was barely able to take care of himself. 
He is incapable of cooking' i don't want to be mean but i'm really holding myself back to say he is forbiden to cook with the red truth just so we avoid another catastrophe in the kitchen'.

 'Ahhh how much i wish to have the magical gohdatrice here with me', since i had no other choice i started learning how to cook a, i don't know what happened to kiritsugu but he looks extremely sick, he can't move a lot otherwise he starts having a hard coughing fit i can tell he won't last more than a few years, 'definitely it seems this version of me is cursed too, i fear to see if the others me are having similar luck...'

Kiritsugu Pov

It's been one month since i adopted Battler, taking care of a young boy is harder than i thought especially in my condition.
Though i have to say i'm quite embaressed since the accident in the kitchen, it was so awful that my own son forbade me to try to cook ever again and to make sure i don't he started learning on his own.
He somehow manage to get the hang of it quite easily and he already cooks really tasty meals. He seems to get along really well with taiga though she said that he was a demon when it come to teasing the others she was certain he would be pretty popular in school.

'school uh? since i adopted him he stayed with me in the house taking care of me,guess it's time for him to get a change of pace'

Battler pov

'the old man said he had something to ask me after dinner uh? now that i think of it am i going to go back to school? ughhh i studied in my last life already guess i'll be able to be more relaxin this one at least oh! i guess it's an occasion to make some friends ihihih'thinking to himself battler arrived at the garden where is father sat on the pond looking at the moon

Battler" so old man what did you want to talk about?"

Kiritsugu" Battler i think it's time for you to go to school you're completely healed now after all and you got used to life here there shouldn't be any reason for you to not return there anymore."

Battler" i guess yes uhhh it was so great being able to laze around here though ihihi, guess my perfect lifestyle is over..." battler said while shrugging his shoulders.

kiritsugu smirked at that " ah sad for you but you're 7 years old almost 8,it's time for you to restart over and make some friends finaly! You had it great for one month now it's time to act like your age

'if only you knew how old i really i am ' i thought while sweating a little

Battler"unfortunately ihihi! so when do i start?"

Kiritsugu"we'll enroll you tomorrow and once the week end is over you'll be officialy able to start your new school life at fuyuki elementary school"

And so started my school life, it was quite fun to be honest, i was getting along well with everyone, always laughing and pranking others, and to the shock of everyone i was the closest friend of shinji matou.

How did it happened you ask? well let's go back to the first week of school for Battler
Teacher" everyone we've got a new transfer student his name is Emiya Battler please get along with him! Battler you can go to the empty seat right next to shinji over there!"

going to the seat the teacher was pointing at my glance met with the one of shinji and smirking at him i said "yo the name's emiya Battler i hope we'll get along shinji san!"

Shinji respond with an arrogant smirk " the pleasure is mine Emiya kun i hope you won't bore me."
'Ho! arrogant jerk over here guess i'll have some fun poking fun at him!'

And so i did, when shinji started being arogant i would bonk him on the head often saying "ah! at least show you're good at something before saying how better you're than us!"
or " last time i checked i was faster than you in gym" or"ah! you sure you can speak about being a genius?Tohsaka san over there always score higher than you!"

though Shinji wasn't silent either, he always find a way to respond back in the same manner, if you were to look at the two when they started taunting each other you could see a big smile on their face.
They often had mock brawl in the class and they often ended up in detention or punished together for everything they did but you could tell they honestly enjoyed their time together.

For Battler, shinji was a cool guy but had a huge problem about his ego, if he could reign it a little bit he would be a really nice person and be a great friend.

Shinji thought that battler was indeed an irritating person but he coudn't deny he was having fun with battler around though he wished he would stop hitting his head, the guy really hurts and he isn't even putting a lot of strengh in his punch it's ridiculous!

In the end the two young boys coudn't deny that they actually were the first real friend they ever had.

How was it? was it better than the prologue? were the interection fun to read? i really hope you liked this chapter it was a new chapter from the king of bel see you later!

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