Tsundora and the chills in his spines

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Rin PoV

It's been two month since the end of the last grail war... two month since the death of my father, at first... no it' still difficult to accept, kirei became my guardian right after the war but i'm still angry with him for not being able to do his job and protect my father.

To his credit kirei accept my anger without flinching, 'looks like he thinks i'm justified in my anger?',
Our interaction consisted on him teaching me school related stuff and make sure i'm not being in my studies but he was definitely no father material that's for sure, also i noticed he used some of our family money in donation for the church!
'How dare he!?'

Speaking of school i have to admit it's a nice change of pace, i can relax and have fun with my friends it helps to not think about kirei and father, and last month we got a new face showing up in class.
'Emiya Battler, Battler? what a strange name is he a foreigner? doesn't seem so with the name Emiya.' he had auburn spiky hair red hair and blue eyes i have to admit his looks are quite unusual too.

Battler" Yo the name is Emiya Battler i hope we'll get along shinji san!"I heard him say this with a happy go lucky smile while next to him i could see the one he was talking to look at him with condescending  look

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Battler" Yo the name is Emiya Battler i hope we'll get along shinji san!"
I heard him say this with a happy go lucky smile while next to him i could see the one he was talking to look at him with condescending  look.

Shinji"The pleasure is mine Emiya kun i hope you won't bore me."

'Oh no the poor guy has to sit right next to shinji definitely unlucky..uh did i just saw his eyes glitter with excitement? does he think he'll really get along with shinji?!'

Little did i know that Battler would actually become his best friend.
Their interaction was quite interesting to be honest, each time that arrogant jerk was doing anything he got "bonked" on the head by our new companion, i could see he wasn"t really hitting seriously yet you could see the face full of pain from shinji.

They would brawl a lot in class too and they would be punished together almost every day.
I couldn't help but laugh at those absurd interaction!

I wasn't immune to the whims of our demon teaser though, he often used my name during arguments which made me  respond and join on the "Shinji teasing time" as he call it though sometimes it was shinji and I who would band up together to tease Battler back.

 Before i knew it i joined the two of them in their debate more and more  as a third party and we actually enjoyed our time together, really who would have thought that i would consider shinji of all people as a friend!

'truly Battler it's all thanks to you that something like this could be possible'

Shinji PoV
It has been one month since Battler arrived in the class, it has been nothing but full of excitement since then.

I'll be honest at the beginning i couldn't stand the guy 'tch always made fun of me with this happy go lucky smile of his' to see how he would react i hit back, i was popular with the girls in my class so i used that as a basis for my attack and lo and behold, that actually hit a nerve.

One day it ended up with us fighting each other which was stopped by the teacher at that time, we got chewed up and ended up with the punition of cleaning the classroom but for the first time i actually saw a true smile on the face of battler we looked at each other and laughed like no tomorrow, from this day i came to appreciate our little banters

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