The thousand year blood holy grail war is coming yet again.

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Illya PoV

Today was a day like usual, schools, hang outs with the others then straigh home, i was on my way to home by myself which was unusual as Battler and Ange rarely left me by myself,
today was a release for a new mystery books which my little brother was impatient to get so once the hangout was over he rushed to a store to buy it, seeing this Ange went with him to make sure he'll be back to make the dinner for us.

So for the first time in a while i was left by myself with nothing to do but reflect, Dad died a few years ago, he told me what happened in the war with mom, and his regret of not being able to reach his dreams, though he said that thanks to us he had live hapilly until the end,
at last he died with a happy smile on his face, i was devastated but i'm not alone, Battler and Ange are here with me. 

As for their power, i've been trying to understand it but it is ridiculous, what they showed me truly was real magic, i tried to learn from them but as their power are vastly different from magecraft they were unable to help me.

They asked me to not reveal that they were sorcerers to the others, i was wondering why then i understood when i saw Battler having a heated debate with Rin denying the existence of the supernatural and with extremely compelling arguments too!
He was winning those debate each time since Rin thought he wasn't a mage andrefused to bring him to our world, poor girl she has no idea she was getting trolled.

As for the others we've been training and studying magecraft together, i was able to manipulate mana to create little construction to protect me, Rin grew more powerfull with her cursed magic, Sakura did the same and shinji surpringly came with his own branch of magic, though he called it the Battler series as it was thanks to Battler and his love for mystery that allowed him to think outside of the box and find his own road, him and Sakura together are a powerful duo.

I finally arrived at the house and i heard Battler welcoming me home and telling me he would read his new books until it's time to prepare the supper, Ange went with him as she too had a new book really those two are obsessed when it comes to reading.

"Ouch!" As i was heading to my bedroom i felt a strange pain on one of my hand, i looked at it and felt tense for a second.

On my hand was some strange marks, it was definitely  a command seal, i quickly hurried into my room and picked up my phone as i was doing that i recieved a call from Shinji who was already in a call group with rin, guess they got one too.

"Tch, always making fun of me with tech, i know i'm bad!" i hear rin said on the phone Shinji totally teased her about being horrible with tech.

"Ahhah come on rin chan don't be like that it's not your fault remember that Battler is also horrible at using his phone he is your brother at being incompetent with tech!" i joined in on the joke, it was true that Battler was truly horrible with technologie.
He didn't understand how to opperate his phone which was one of the reason Ange always accompanied him anywhere so that at least someone could call or send a message if something were to happen.

"Aye aye, Anyway sorry to call you but i think you know why i did right?" Rin decided to get to the point immediatly

"Yeah Sakura just got command seals i suppose it's the same for the rest of you? " So it was sakura eh not like it would have make any difference since they 're an inseparable duo

Yes i just got mine what about you Illya?"
"Yes i got mine too.

"What about  Ange chan or Battler senpai?" Sakura asked as i was expecting, since none of them knew about their power they were extremely afraid of having them dragged in our fight I on the other hand wished for at least one of them to be a master as it would make the four of us an unsurmontable force for any of the unknown master trying to kill us.

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