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This chapter is just a quick celebration for lambdadelta it's not serious and i'll put it in another place later it won't stay in this story but thank you SoulKing_X for telling me that today (20-06-22) was the birthday of our lord and savior lambdadelta

"are? author san? why are you so excited all of sudden" a certain blonde hair witch decided to yet again break the 4th wall

"Ahh lambda! don't scare me like that! umu today is your birthday lets celebrate it!"

"Birthday? that's it? why would i care you do know that i'm 1000 and more years old"she said shrugging her shoulder

"Battler said he would do anything you want today" i said trying to motivate her

Then a second portal opened from there Battler got out and said " i didn't agree to that?!"

"Please Battler do this for lambda! now she has so much friends just be a bro ok?" i asked of him

"grahhh ok ok it's her special day i'll agree" he said with resignation

Cackle cackle cackle... oh no 

we both looked back just to see...

we both looked back just to see

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( han she's so cute )

"Author, i might die here are you sure? if i die how will you continue your story?" Battler said trying to get out of this situation

"nahh she won't kill you...i hope and either way ange is still there she'll brought you back" i said really praying for Battler's safety

"Cackle Cakle ok ok now we're talking just wait for me i'll find the best way to torture Battler and have the best show ever! oh i need to invite bernkastel and Ange too they'll love the show!!! Cackle" Saying this Lambdadelta just disapeared doing who know what.

One minute later Bernkastel and Ange joined us waiting for lambda we all  went to the golden land, then finally a big portal opened and out of it three person came out of it lambda, a busty blonde beauty and a busty blue haired beauty with horn.

"Oh welcome back lambda, who are those girls with you?" i asked 

"Oh you already know them just look harder" hmmm oh now i see i looked at batler and said to him"i'm sorry you won't like it but it will be hilarous for us"

"Eh who are they? you know them?" Battler started sweating, what could this possibly means

"They're going to be your girlfriends in the future!" Lambda couldn't hold it and started laughing while pushing the two new girls toward battler"now then ladies introduce yourselves to you future husband Cackle"

the yellow haired beauty spoke with a monotonous voice "what do you mean introduce ourselves? i was by myself in space and suddenly you grabbed me out of nowhere? and husband?" she turned toward Battler who suddenly turned around and did a stiff wave of the hand

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