The war is coming

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Rin PoV

A normal day ended, it has been ten years now since we formed our little group with sakura Illya Shinji,Sakura and Battler, those years were extremely fun, Shinji and Sakura grew up to be quite the siblings, since Sakura was my little sister too i started spending a lot of time with Shinji too in the end we grew so close he could be my brother.

For the emiya family those were quite the curious people, Battler gained a huge passion for mystery novels and he would use us as guinea pigs for some quite elaborate stunt he created Illya grew up to be quite the rebellious spirits now getting back at us for all of our teasing back then, i don't know what Battler teaches her but she's as much a demon as he is when it comes to paying back.

Ange was the ever brocon never separating from her brother saying he needed to be kept in check,she grew up to be quite a beautiful girl turning the heads of the boys in school though i say Ange but Battler and Illiya are as much as popular though none of them seems to be interested in romance.

In the end we were quite the tight group always loocking up for each others and enjoying each and every single moment together was precious to us.

As studying magecraft Shinji and Sakura came to me and asked me if we could learn together i accepted immediatly,Illya come from time to time but we made sure to hide the truth from Battler and Ange as they seemed to be people of fact and truth and not magic.

i remembered a conversation i had years ago with Battler "Uh?if i believe the supernatural exist? ihihi obvioulsy it doesn't, what you want to tell me mages actually exist don't be ridiculous, i would be more enclined to believe that there exist bomb small enough to be smaller than ants and strong enough to blow a human body than believing in any supernatural being ihihih" though i don't understand why were Ange and Illya dying next to him laughing as he was being the biggest troll in existence. 

I finally arrived at my house,  took my shower and changed into my casual clothes i was reading one of the books Battler recommended me it was " and then there were none" from agatha christie one of the numerous mystery novel the guy possessed in his ridiculous collection, i was curious to see why he was so into them and i recently asked him if he could recommend me one.

As i was reading it i suddenly felt a pain through one of my hand, looking at what could be the cause i saw something that scared me.

"No it can't be these are command seal?!" what we were scared of most happened way sooner than any of us expected it has only been ten years since the last one usually it takes 30 to 60 years to get to the next war!

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"No it can't be these are command seal?!" what we were scared of most happened way sooner than any of us expected it has only been ten years since the last one usually it takes 30 to 60 years to get to the next war!

i decided to call kirei immediatly he picked the call almost immediatly " Hello Rin what can i do for you?"

"Kirei i just got command seals? how can this be the last war was ten years ago!"

"Oh so you were chosen, well the last war was special you see the big fire was caused by an accident during the last ritual, thus the magic energy of the area was able to feed the amount necessary way quicker than it should have been, now since it seems you were chosen i guess the matou and einzbern are going to join you soon, Rin i really advise you to summon your servant as soon as possible since i'm with the church i cannot side with you in this war so please take care of you." after saying his speech he hang up.

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