Little sisters are truly the most dangerous beings in the world

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Kiritsugu Pov

Battler "i'm going to school now old man, as usual the food for dinner is in the fridge, i hope you at least know how to use the micro wave!"

"Of course i can who are you taking me for?!" as i said this Battler watched me with a face that's saying ' a man able to make water catch fire!' i understood my adoptive son clearly believed i could mess up event putting something in the micro wave.

"tskk don't worry and why are you even worried i use the micro wave every day!"

Battler" ah! you caught my sarcasm well played old man, anyway i'll go now see you later!" as he said that Battler got up and started running with his school bag on his back.

"Ah this kid what a ball of energy eh at least having him around is fun"
it's now two month since i adopted Battler, the first two weeks were rough as expected but we managed to get by, now Battler has learned to cook as for the chores taiga helps me get the house in order.

My health keeps detoriarating, at most i've got 2/3 years ' should i teach battler some magecraft to protect himself? also it should be wise to tell him about illyasvel...'

Speaking of family i still have no idea what was the former name of Battler when i asked he always said that it doesn't matter anymore wishing to not push to much i usually let it go but saying i wasn't curious was a lie.
'Battler is clearly not a japanese name, either he is a foreigner or his family loves western names'

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong, Ding Dong Ding Dong,Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong!

'Hmmm? Talk about  someone in a bad mood who the hell could it be?'

Curious about the person using the door bell so aggressevely i slowly got up and dragged myself to the door and what stood behind was something i would never have guessed...
What i saw was a little girl maybe around the age of Battler looking quite angry

What i saw was a little girl maybe around the age of Battler looking quite angry

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Ange PoV

After saying goodbye to little onii chan and left him with bernakastel and lambdadelta  the poor guy,  i opened a portal to where i could sense oni chan, as he is the game master he has a particular aura that can be sensed by litteraly any magical being in the golden land, locating the fragment he was in and went right into it.

'Hmmm seeing as Oni chan has regressed to his child self guess i'll do the same, but first i need to see where he lives'.
Focusing on his aura i managed to find the house he is living in,
'oh seems like he is heading to school, nice that gives me times to surprise him'.

Once i was sure my brother woudn't come back i went to the house and assumed the appareance of my child self and completely abused the door bell.

The door finally opened letting me see a sickly looking man with black hair
"Im sorry to disturb you but i just saw my big brother who i though was dead getting out of this house i must know why!"
???" What did you just say?!" the man was completely surprised,
'did oni chan say he didn't have any family left... that dumbass i'll teach him a lesson later'

a few minutes later

i was sitting at the table from what i could guess was the living room, in front of me was the man who finally introduced himself as Emiya Kiritsugu

"I'm Ushiromiya Ange, my brother is Ushiromiya Batller though if you adopted him now it's emiya Battler."

Kiritsugu" i'm sorry to tell you this young girl-" "ange please" i interupted him

Kiritsugu "right ange, i'm sorry but i have a hard time believing your story, you somehow survived the great fire, got released from the hospital recently, you were going to the orphenage and somehow saw your brother who you believed dead going out of my house?"

" i know it sounds completely ridiculous but i can prove that i'm his little sister just give me a chance"
I actually didn't have a way to prove it but i do have something to solve this situation.

Kiritsugu" are you sure you can prove it? if you can't i'll have to ask you to leave the house immediatly"

" i understand here i go"

Who need proof when you can just red truth your way out of it?

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Who need proof when you can just red truth your way out of it?

kiritsugu PoV

'HNGNGNG! what was that? once she said those words i felt a heavy pressure on me i felt strange too, somehow i had the feeling that what she just said was an undeniable truth

i have no proof nothing to go by yet my instinct told me that it was something that couldn't be questionned, no even if i were to question this feeling, i'm sure it's something way beyond my understanding'

" i don't understand what's happening but i suppose i can't refused you, anyway we'll be sure of your relationship with battler once he'll come back from school"

Ange" understood, though i'm sure right now oni chan is feeling a chill down his spine
he'll definitely come home quickly today

it was exactly like she said, usually i would get a message telling me he would come home late because of a scene he caused with a friend, or how he would accompany another friend to her house then come back, 
but today i got nothing and come 03.30 in the afternoon and i could hear the sound of our front door being opened.

Ange " welcome home onii chan it seems you've had quite the fun times recently"
though what she said could be considered a warm welcome kiritsugu could feel it, the sheer fury emanating from this little girl had even me sweating.

Ohhh this face of distress and ohh no i fucked up told me everything about their relationship, the little sister who got forgotten by the big brother was absolutely livid and was ready to get revenge.

'Battler, i'll pray for your survival, if you're still alive after this, then we'll need to notify the school seems to me like you'll need some time recovering'
As i was slowly getting up i saw Battler looked at me with fear in his eyes and a little bit of hope expecting me to step in,
unfortunately for him i just opened the door that leads to the garden and silently went out.

Few minutes later i could hear the screams of pain coming from my son
'i honestly pray for your survival i'm not sure even avalon could save you at this point.'

Hello everyone, hope you liked this chapter Ange is a character i still need time to get used too so her dialogues might be stiff for a while. 

Like i said i'll probably have ange interact a lot with sakura which means she'll interact with battler but shinji and rin too, yes i plan on having them have an alliance during the war since i don't want it to be a Battler stomp, his endless nine is actually too powerfull nothing in fate ( go included) actually bypass it so by default battler will win the war servant or not so i'm trying to go a different way i hope it will work^^

Anyway see you later it was the king of bel

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