a strategy meeting and introductions.

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Archer's PoV

I really don't understand what is going on, usually Rin would have failed the summoning and screw over my memory yet she didn't this time.

Usually I would be able to use her failure to my adventage and gloat to her, this time though not only she didn't care about failing her objectives but she was calm and collected through our exchange.

Because of the shock I was on autopilot and just went along but after the exchange I was still under the shock of so much change suddenly.

First the mana that maintained me... Rin is a great mage her mana was always top notch and really powerfull... but this time it was on a whole different level, it feels like she has been seriously training for a few years.

She also seemed... less stressed out about the war like she is not intending to have a fight to the death... Does she have allies for this war? Are they the ones we'll be meeting tommorow morning? 

Thinking about all those changes I got curious about the me in this world could he be a different person this time? 

I surely hope that's the case, I can't feel anything coming from my/ house though there are protection field all around the place  so there is no way I can feel anything from here.

Guess there not really any point to keep thinking so much about it all my question will be answered tommorow after all ...

... Okay why the hell is shinji next to sakura ? Why does she seem comfortable being near him and what's more why is rin talking with them as if nothing was going on? What about the family tension between all of them?!

" Okay so now we're waiting for Illya she comfirmed that Battler got a mark too so she'll bring him too... " Rin says while looking down.

What the hell Illya is there too and who the hell is Battler?!

"... I see in the end senpai got dragged in the war... " Sakura responds with a sad expression I look at shinji and sees him frown with worry.

She said senpai? i'm really lost does it mean Emiya Shirou is not here or is he this famous Battler? 

"Sorry guys It took us some time to get ready we've got quite a paranoid guard with us." I hear a small voice coming from the front door of the building we were using for our gathering and turns out It was Illya she was followed by a pair of two red haired teens and once I looked at the boy I felt a connection I knew he was me but I have no idea how it was possible.

'What happened to Shirou Emiya?' this one the only thing going through my mind then strangely I felt two people looking at me... It was Battler and the other red haired teen they were both looking directly at me and the boy smirks and says " Well this is going to be more fun than expected right Ange?"

The now named Ange nods back and her gaze hold some humor in them i'm certain that those two are anomalies they looked directly at me but I was in my spirit form!

" Yo guys sorry for being late my... Servant? is that the term? oh ok, well my servant was quite paranoid and made the walk longer than usual..."  The boy says while glancing at Illya to confirm the term... Seems like he is new to this.

"Don't worry about it... How do you feel about all this ? " Shinji says with worry in his voice.

"Hmmm? i'm still digesting it? Oh could it be you are worried about me ? " Battler responds by teasing him.

"Of course I am you're not a mage and until now you've been quite adamant about opposing the possibility of anything supernatural existing." Shinji shouts back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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