Truly this master is an enigma

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Saber PoV

So i was summoned again to join a holy grail war, what's worse is that i'm now the servant of the son of Emiya Kiritsugu i really felt conflicted at that.

i was currently waiting in their living room as Battler was to my surprise cooking something for me.

"Do you have anything you dislike to eat?" he asked me i thought for a moment then said

"Well the last time i was here i really enjoyed everything i ate so you can assume that any traditional japanese food is good with me."

"Alright then please wait a for a few minutes miss ihihihi!" he said while doing a mock bock like similar to the ones a waiter would do in a restaurant that little act made me chucle for a bit

i then looked around me and saw Illya playing a bit with the big berserker than i assume was summoned with me, this war is already quite original, to think i would be an ally to the berserker servant.

"I'm happy to see you again Illya you might not remember me since the last time i saw you was ten years ago, i was quite close to your mother so it really surprised me as to how much you look like her."

"Oh! so you were the saber dad told me about! nice to meet you i'm happy to have you on our side!" she said while coming closer to me she then sat right in front of me uhhh so kiritsugu talked about the war?

"Battler!!!!!! can you do something sweet while your doing her dish? the summoning kinda tired me out."  oh so he can do desert too ?

"Mhhh alright just this once, Ange Berserker and Saber want one too?" oh so the other girl's name is Ange she looks more like Battler than Illya though could they be half siblings then?

"Sure anything Onii-chan makes is super tasty after all, Berserker i would advise you to taste it too." wait a minute is she reading while leaning on his back?! 

"Grrrr" he responded wait a minute?why doesn't he even react,.. he even acts civilised what the hell is happening?!

"So a dessert for the two of you though nothing too sweet for the buff guy gotcha,what about you saber?" he understood all of that just from that?! ahhhhhh alright i'll just stop trying to make sense

"Yes please i would like something too" he then looked at me with a satisfied smile and got back to prepare our food.

Half an hour later we all ended the food, satisfied with the quality i thanked Master and decided to start having a discussion.

"Allow me to introduce myself once again,i'm a saber servant we will fighting together in this war with the help of berserker and Illya i guess, i was the servant of your father in the past but i can't say it was a great experience."

"Emiya Battler i'll be your master, while i have the name Emiya we're actually adopted children Me and Ange we're not related by blood to either kiritsugu or Illya but we lived 10 years together so we absolutery refuse to kill each other in this stupid war." i see now i understand the situation more.

" I understand and i respect this feeling by the way can i ask you one tiny question?" there was something that bugged me since i was summoned and i had to make it clear

"Hmm? sure if i can answer you." he looked curious about what i wanted to know


"Eh? what do you mean what wrong?!" he said while getting up and slamming the table

"IT S TOO POWERFUL I FEEL LIKE I COULD FIRE OFF MY NOBLE PHANTASM ALL DAY AND I WOULD STILL BE ALRIGHT AFTER DOING THIS!" seriously this is the first time i felt this empowered even merlin didn't have a reserve so massive, and what makes it worse is it doesn't even seems like he do it consciously!

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