the thousand year cough the holy grail war is still coming

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Sakura PoV

I was sitting on the couch of the living room watching a movie with shinji nii-san we prepared popcorn as we watched whatever was on the television, in the past ten year nii san and i grew closer and closer so much that no one could tell we weren't blood related.

Rin nee san not wanting to be left behind did everything she could to be with me and by consequence Shinji nii san the two of them grew closer too and now we considered each others as true siblings.

It was thanks to them i could endure the harsh training of grandfather without losing my sanity now i was a competent enough mage to be able to defend myself, nii san didn't slack off either, he might not have the potential to become one of the most powerful mage but he trained and studied with both rin nee san and me, now he specialised in sealing and debilitating magic often thanks to Battler senpai nii san created his "Battler's specialty sealing magic".

You see Barrier and bounded field are special branch of magecraft,they can be whatever you want as long as you set up rules and have the knowledge for it.
Battler senpai being passionnate and extremely knowledgeable about closed rooms and detective tricks liked to teach us about them and test new ones on us. 

Nii san being inspired wondered if he could set up a barrier that could lock people until they could figure out how to get out, though since nii san lacked in mana output anyone with enough fire power can blast through his though it is strong enough to contain Illya Rin nee san and me at the same time and could withstand a combined blast with all of mana putted into it.

As for me i focused on increasing my magical output and learned offensive magic to complement Shinji nii san, we knew the Holy grail war would come eventually so we decided to train so that we could fight as a team of two, though because of those last ten years i cannot imagine myself attacking Rin nee san and Illya chan, i believe this is the same for Nii san we grew together and now we are an inseparable group, at least that's what i wish to believe.

As i was deep in thought i suddenly felt a pain on one of my hand, seeing this i looked at this and saw red marks on it.

"Seems like you're the master eh?" Nii san who was next to me saw what just happened

"Yes but the war is coming already? it has been ten years only since the last one isn't this strange?" really it was strange a war was supposed to happen every 30 to 60 years.

"Maybe because of the fire that was caused? It probably was filled with ridiculous amount of mana and that may gave accelerated the processus?

As we were speaking nii san's phone rang he looked at it and answered directly

"yes rin? yeah don't worry i'm putting you on speaker so sakura can hear you, also i'm adding Illya in the call since i know how bad you are with this." Nii san said with a grin.

"Tch, always making fun of me with teck, i know i'm bad!"

"Ahhah come rin chan don't be like that it's not your fault remember that Battler is also horrible at using his phone he is your brother at being incompetent with tech!" Illya chan who just joined the call chimed in.

" Aye aye, Anyway sorry to call you but i think you know why i did right?"

"Yeah Sakura just got command seals i suppose it's the same for the rest of you?"Nii san immediatly refocused on the conversation.

"Yes i just got mine what about you Illya?" "Yes i got mine too."

"How about Ange chan or Battler senpai?" it was the only fear we had we were prepared to be included in this war but we all wished that neither of these two would be forced in especially Battler senpai who denies the supernatural so much though i'm not sure if it's serious seeing as both Illya and Ange keeps laughing when he states this again and again. 

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