School day for Illya

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Battler PoV

"oi Batller have you heard the rumors?" Shinji asked me

"Rumors? oh do you mean about the transfer student? i heard there is going to be one in the lower grades too" Rin said while getting closer to the two

"Oh yeah i heard them, it's only been two month since i tranfered and we get not one but two in separates years geez talk about excitement ihihi".
Obviously i already knew who both of these student were though i feigned ignorance just to see how those two would react to me having two sisters.

"oh true it's already been two month since you came here and ruined my life" said shinji with a dramatic tone.

"I get you now i can't have any peace of mind now, always scared of the whims of our little teaser over there!" Rin added following shinji's exemple.

"ihihi come on guys don't be like that, hey you never know maybe the new students will be a great teasing target that ought to bring you peace of mind!"maybe i have been with lambda and bern too much as i'm actually looking forward to embarass my lovely sisters.

while we were talking the teacher arrived and ask for all of us to go to our seats

"I'm sure all of you heard about it already but from today we will have a new student with us i hope you will be kind and nice to her, especially you Battler i can already see you tormenting the new soul here." the teacher said with a smirk on her face.

"What! sensei why would you think that?! i'm always kind and nice to the others."i said with mock shock i could see Shinji and Rin laughing at that remark ' the both of you are getting bonked after school i swear!'

"Anyway now that everything has been said, you can enter the class now!" our teacher said aloud to the student behind the door

"Understood!" Illya responded and opened the door she went next to our teacher wrote her name and started to adress the class.

Illya PoV

It has been one month since i was rescued by dad and the others, now i'm officially an Emiya and Ange was adopted too, this month has been extremely interesting Battler and Ange are such great siblings, we play we laugh i havent had this much excitement before!

Though i learned about a horrible side to the both of them, they are demon of teasing! Battler always manage to outsmart me and make fun of me while Ange is the most frightning existence i ever met when angered even Dad and Battler don't dare angering her.

Also i learned another thing about Battler, he loves to read, when no one is with him he always has a book in hands, i think he reads mostly mystery novel? 'i should try asking him to teach me about that.'
Also i'm not sure why but he is unbeatable at hide and seek, when you think you have him he somehow manage to escape his hiding place, be it thanks to diversion or uncomprehensible situation 'seriously how do you even escape a locked room without even unlocking the door!!'

 i asked them to show me their abilities and it's definitely something way beyond magecraft! true sorcerer right next to me! it's so exciting though they wish to hide the fact which is understandable.

I also think that the both of them are healing dad he looks healthier recently, i also feel better and i even started to grow a little!

Now that one month has passed since both Ange and I arrived in the family Dad said it was time for us to go to school, i cant wait to see how schools is since i never thought i would ever be able to go one ever!

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