detox water recipes & its benefits

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yummy detox water recipes:
[note: drink these within 24 hours once made, they don't last very long.]
❀ slim down detox water:
ingredients: water, sliced grapefruit, sliced cucumber, 2-3 mint leaves, sliced lemon and sliced lime.
↳ benefits:
lemon & cucumbers aid the digestive tract, the mint helps loosen toxins, & release water. grapefruit is full of vitamin c which helps your body detoxify naturally. the lemon and lime help detoxify, cleanse your body and curve appetite.
❀ watermelon mint detox:
ingredients: cubed watermelon, mint leaves and of course water.
↳ benefits:
watermelon's amino acids improve liver function and rids the body of ammonia. the mint helps aids digestion and settles stomach while added flavor.
❀ skin & craving control detox water:
ingredients: water, sliced lemon, sliced strawberries, sliced apples, fresh mint and a couple pinches of cinnamon.
↳ benefits:
the cinnamon helps to reduce cravings & manages blood sugar levels. the apples and strawberries help to clear your skin. while the lemon curves appetite, detoxifies and strengthens immune system and improves digestive track.

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