three toning & lifting butt workouts:
↣ workout #1:
15 short bridges
10 side leg circles (each leg)
20 glute kickbacks
25 squats
20 side lunges
35 seconds squat hold
10 plié squats
↣ workout #2:
100 flutter kicks
30 squats
35 donkey kicks
30 squat pulses
25 walking lunges
30 side leg lifts
30 second squat hold
20 squats
↣ workout #3:
40 mountain climbers
25 squats
10 side leg circles
20 side lunges
30 second squat hold
20 bridges
15 plié squats
if you guys don't know some of these exercises feel free to look them up on the internet and feel free to even ask me below in the comments.
the fitness guide
Randomthis is a guide to living a healthy life COPYRIGHT © THE FITNESS GUIDE || ARCTICMONKEYSAF