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"I can't believe you guys made us go into the Victoria's Secret store, and squirting me with lubricant that was messed up Madeline!"complained Grey.

" Stop your whining you should be thankful I didn't take a picture!"said Madeline dropping her shopping bags on the couch.

"Oh wait I did," she said and posted it.

"Hash tag sex gelled!" she said and we snickered.

"Stop bullying Grey, Maddie and give us the Club's building plan,"said Carlos.

"Ok fin- what the hell!" she yelled.

"What?" The rest of us asked.


"I don't know you look like an A cup."

"Why you little-"

"Guys focus," I said and she refrained from tackling him.

We all sat at the strategy table and grabbed some chips.

"Ok, ok the club has four floors, the first floor is like a public sort of area so the security isn't that tight, but the second floor is more private that's where the executives hang out, it's the floor where they serve the good shrimp, then the third floor, that's where that good good shrimp is served , and then the VIP'S do business then the further floor has only one room, there are no hiding places and it is heavily guarded, that's where Victor Flavio has stored his access codes and that's where we need to strike!" She said.

"Ok Khloe what's the plan!"I said.

"I got us both executive and VIP passes, so the only issue really is going to the fourth floor, security is tight on the fourth floor once an intruder is found one of the gaurds can just sound the alarm and the whole place is going to be on lockdown, meaning no getting in or out,so Grey and I will stay behind in the van and maneuver you through the club,but first Daphne has to make contact with our target to get the key to his safe which from Grey's Intel is always in his chest pocket, Daphne gets the key to Maddie , then follows later, the Carlos causes a distraction so you too can get up to the fourth floor, if things go sideways Grey and I will smoke bomb the place and you guys use your gas masks is everyone clear on that!"

"That sounded so cool I'm not even kidding!" I gushed.

"We've done this hundreds of times Daph but yet you keep falling in live with me every single time!" Khloe said playfully shaking her head.

"Ok and the weapons Daph?" asked Grey.

"I've been waiting for you to ask that,"

I got up and walked to the middle of the room,

" Mae open, weapons vault," I said to our artificial intelligence life form Mae.

"Opening weapons vault!"

A few gears churned as a glass container rose from the ground,stopping a centimetre from the roof.

"You are just so extra," said Carlos.

I took a gun from its hold and showed it to them,

"This guys is the F4, I may or may not had named it after watching Meteor Garden for the 25th time,it fires 16 rounds and there are four different types of bullets, 4 rounds of stunners, 4 rounds of stingers, and 4rounds of killers and 4 rounds of poisoners,you all know what those bullets do, this gun identifies heat signatures, locks unto its targets and shoots"

I placed that on the table and picked up the next one,

"This is Machine Gun Kelly its a lightweight machine gun with a stereo that plays only MGK's music!" "

"This is Electric Way To Hell once you set it off and throw it down it electrifies anything within a 15 metre radius as long as you are wearing this wrist watch it wouldn't really affect you!" I placed that down and Maddie picked it up

"I think Carlos is going to like this one,"

He looked at me and cockedhis head.

"Its a retractable magnetic pole,slash dagger, it's super strong you can attach it walls and you basically suspend!"

"For this mission I also stocked up one gas,lasers and body armour!"

"We're like spies but better.

We're Covert X

So far so good.
Things get better in the next chapter.
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