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My first evening in Damien's house wasn't as bad as I thought it'd go, honestly.

I had melted into his sofa and binged watch The Good Wife till there was a knock on the door.

I, feeling too lazy to get off my ass called Damien to come get the door.

He called me lazy, which I honestly didn't appreciate and opened the door.

Seconds later, Aero and Ty walked in with two bags.

They're first reaction when they saw me was that of shock but then suddenly Ty's turned to the dirtiest smile I've ever seen.

"Hello there Daphne."he sang but his eyes were on Damien.

Damien rolled his eyes and shut the door.

"Hey."said Aero giving me a little shy wave.

I nodded with a smile.

"I want to ask for details but I won't, because it's none of my business."Ty said.

"Good."I said and switched of the tv.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?"I asked.

"It's Friday."Ty said.

"Yeah so?"I asked

"So it's a guy's night."Damien said sighing as though he had totally forgotten he had plans.

"And what exactly do you do on a guys night?Play Monopoly?"I asked.

"For your information we do play monopoly with actual cash, credit cards and actual properties and you know other big boy games Daphne, like poker and blackjack."Ty said.

"And sometimes drinking games."Aero added.

"Just you three?"I asked suddenly interested.

"Yes."Damien said taking the bags Ty had rudely dumped on his couch.

"You seem interested Daphne wanna play?"Aero asked.

"I mean yeah." I said getting up excitedly.

"Are you sure Daphne, we don't want you crying after this you know."Ty said a smirk on his face.

"Yes bitches go ahead and underestimate me."I said with a smile on my face.

They shrugged and I followed them downstairs into a dark room.

There I was thinking they were gonna murder me until, Damien switched on the lights.

It was a room about the size of my workshop, so you can imagine how large it was.

There were different kinds of tables in the room.

There was a poker table, a blackjack table, there was a roulette table and many more I didn't know what they were called but you bet your ass I was going to make money off of.

Basically it was a little casino, with shelves of alchohol, boardgames and snacks and I was in there with three men who couldn't hope to get to my net worth.

Damien must have seen the giddy look on my face, because he suddenly looked scared.

I was walking around the room wondering when we were going to start, when a man walked in.

"Hello there I am Matthew I will be your croupier for tonight."

"Well hello there Matthew."I said waving.

"She's way too excited."I heard Aero whisper.

"And where's Michael?"Ty asked Damien.

"Well he was concerned about overseeing an illegal activity such as this so he quit."Damien said.

"And you're sure he's not going to say anything?" Ty asked.

"Not particularly sure dead men speak so yeah I don't think so."Damien said then glanced over at me.

I heard him quite well, I just pretended not to, I was more focused on Matthew who looked like he was about to shit himself.

"Well shall we get started then?"He said gesturing a shaky hand to a table in the center of the room where a monopoly board was set up.

"I'm the car!" I said.

3 hours later(spongebob narrator voice)

"Bro I swear to God she a witch."Ty slurred trying desperately to lift his head of the poker table.

"I'm an artist, Tyler, an artist!"

"6 million, 6 million..."Aero kept repeating.

I was currently still in Damien's illegal casino with two wasted men and I myself ,well I was a bit tipsy to say the least.

"I told you not to underestimate me didn't I."I said from my place on Damien's back.

Why was I on his back you ask? Because I could not stand up straight on my two feet, it was a hell of a task.

"Bye jellies, ooh and Ty I will be visiting your island in Dubai soon, or should I say my island."I said and blew them a kiss as Damien carried me up the stairs.

While on his back I played with his hair, making braids and twists.

All the while I heard him mumbling something about him being surrounded by weak children.

We got into the elevator and he pressed 4.

I listened to the elevator music, which sounded like a church hymn until, the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

Ladies and gentlemen we were on the fourth floor.

He walked down the long hallway with me still on his back, to the last door and then opened it.

At that point eveything was a blur I just remembered that douche throwing me unto the bed and putting a pillow on my face.

"I hope you suffocate."

I'm kidding he didn't actually do all that.


He was rather quite gentle, tucked me in and everything.

This chapter is dedicated to sugarplum267 sugarplum267 because she is the entire reason this chapter is out.

Thank you for getting me to 4k+ jellies.

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