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"When I was 6 my mother came to pick me up from school for the first time, I was really happy then, but some random old lady decided to open her stupid mouth and call my mother irresponsible for picking me up 25 minutes late, later that night I was going up to my brother's room because I had a nightmare-'

This is the part where I smiled and she glared at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry please go on."I apologized and pushed the hair the wind had blown into my face out of my eyes.

"That night I overheard my mother questioning her capability as a mother, crying to my dad, then I got mad, I spent all night designing a weapon in my mother's workshop because I wanted to hurt that woman and I wanted to make her suffer for making my mother cry."

"6 year old Daphne really had no chill." I laughed and she shook her head.

"Anyway my mother woke me up the next morning sleeping on her desk, and the first thing I did was show her my blueprint, apparently I'd made a miniature nuke." she laughed at this.

I on the other hand was completely shocked. I tried thinking of how that could be funny but she's Daphne, she's different.

"It was a particularly large rocket I'd designed, and my mother immediately told me to destroy it, I'd never seen my mother look so pale so I did as she said, but then I was curious and I thought to myself , maybe if I could make it smaller with less destruction than a nuke, so I got to work."

"Wait, hold on," I interrupted, "So you built a nuke in less than a day, isn't it supposed to take at least two or three months?" I asked wondering if I was being messed with.

"I still don't get it even till now Damien but you're going to have to believe me." she said.


"Don't interrupt me anymore, so yeah I figured out a way to minimize the destruction the nuke could cause and made a little gun, a week later we found ourselves hiding under at a table, under attack by Semyon Ivanov and his men, then some random Russian decides to find us and aims a gun at my brother Christian and I go, 'No way in hell motherfucker!" then I pull out the gun and I shoot him."

"Did he die?"I asked.

She smiled sickly at me and answered,

"The bullet impaled his chest and knocked him back and took out a side of the building, we were in, I went flying as well but my dad caught me."

Then I remembered hearing my parents speak of that night.

I remember my ma telling me it was a bomb, someone had set off when I'd asked.

"I have two things to say and one question to ask."I began and she looked at me as if to say, go on as she took a sip of her drink.

"First of all you had a really dirty mouth as a kid, I couldn't even spell motherfucker, much less say it at 6 years old."I started and she snorted.

"I have unfiltered older brothers, that says a lot."

I shrugged and continued,

"Second of all I remember that day being the start of the Greek Mafia rising to the top mafia in the world."

She shrugged as though it wasn't really an accomplishment.

"And third of all how did you get in there, at your age you weren't supposed to be in there?"

"You forget who you're speaking about Damien, I can get into places I'm not supposed to, just a little thing my grandpa taught me."she answered.

I sat quietly and processed everything she'd told me.

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