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I'd asked Rodri to handle the recruits, that my father had asked me to take care of.

When it was time for the omerta I took over in place of my father.

It was my third time initiating a bunch of killers and misguided souls into our mafia and I wasn't all that excited.

I was just itching to get Daphne some tacos and go home.

The recruits lined up before myself and other members of the mafia to take the blood oath, that if broken was punishable by death.

I explained this to them and explained the basic rules as well, all with a stoic expression on my face.

One by one they all spilled their blood on a card which they then lit on fire and said their oath.

There was one recruit in particular who I took note of.

He was tall, probably not more than 17 years old

His card still remained in his hands unlit, while the others swore their loyalty to the mafia.

I motioned for Rodri to come over and whispered in his ear.

He nodded and stepped into the line of recruits and escorted the boy out without so much as a word.

I finished with the initiation ceremony and they were all handed with a gun and a knife.

"From here on forth the mafia will protect you and you will die for the mafia by the gun and the knife in your hand,this mafi welcome to the Italian mafia."I said and watched them stand upright with pride.

"Step out of line though and I'll slaughter every last one of you bitches."I glared and their chests deflated.

I walked out and up to the roof, where Rodri stood with the boy I'd asked him to escort out.

I gestured for him to leave and he bowed quickly and did so.

I strided towards the boy who was sat on the edge with his head facing the ground.

"Do you smoke?"I asked and sat down on the edge next to him.

"No."he responded, shaking his head

"Me neithe." I said and returned the packet to my pocket.

He chuckled slightly and asked,

"Why do you walk around with it then?"

"Just in case I come across someone who needs it."I said.

A brief silence fell before he asked,

"Are you going to kill me now?"

"Depends on how the next 10 minutes go."I shrugged and continued,

"Do you have any family?"I asked and crossed my arms and legs.

He finally looked up at my emotionless face with a questioning look but responded anyway,

"I have my ma and my little sister."

"Might they be apart of the reason you're here today?"I asked.

His eyes widened as if I'd ead him like a book.

"I'm here to become a man, to be able to protect them."

"Protect them from what exactly?"I asked, looking at him from the corner of my eye.

"From any harm that will ever come their way."he declared and clenched his fists.

I shrugged unfazed and continued,

"How about a father figure?"

He chuckled darkly and replied,

"I cut the brakes of his car the morning before he died ."

"Did he deserve it?"I asked.

"He did, he was am abusive racist man who married a black woman and expected, their children to come out white."

Didn't need that much information.

"Why did you freeze up during the blood oath?"I asked wasting no time.

He looked at me in an unsure manner and asked,

"Can I really tell you?"

I nodded and stared ahead.

"I don't want my ma to die knowing her son takes the lives of others in order to survive or my sister growing up to remember me as a murderer in her childhood memories."

I scoffed and let out a chuckle of disbelief.

"You're really stupid you know, you could have chosen any other path apart from this."

"Fighting to kill is the only thing I'm good at and I don't think there's anyone who'd hire someone like me."he sighed defeated.

I turned to look at him and noticed how fucked up he really was , with all his bruises and scars.

I got to my feet and pulled out a card from my pocket and threw it at him.

He caught it and gave me a confused look.

"You said fighting is is the only thing your good at right,... "

"Mateo."he said realizing iwanted his name.

"Win that match tonight and I'll let you join the underground fight club under my name."

"Really!"he shot up with a look of disbelief.

"Yes and remember I'm betting on you."I said and walked toward the door.

"THANK YOU SIR!"he yelled behind me.

"If you lose I'll kill you, capire?"

I turned and smirked at his faltered demeanor.


I just like leaving conversations with an exclamation point.

As I made my way to the parking lot, I got a call from Ty.

"Damien."he sid when I accepted his call.

"Yes."I said getting into my Corvette.

"It's Daphne."he said and I tensed up.

"What's wrong?"I asked nervously.

"Well she's on the beach and considering how unpredictable your girl is I'm afraid she'll frown herself."he responded and I relaxed and laughed.

"I'm going to get her tacos, make sure she's ok."

"You mean make sure we don't have to go all Finding Nemo again, when she gets dragged into the water."

"Yes that exactly."

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