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The first one came at me but I caught him by his arm and flipped him and shot him with a stinger.

"Maddie, don't kill them," I said and she groaned.

"FINE!" she said and connected her knee to one guys ribs and kicked the others teeth in, she was ripping them apart limb from limb and maybe I should have allowed her to kill them.

In two minutes we were done and we sprinted towards the office.

And yes we did all this in Jimmy Choos, normal people can't relate.

"3,2,1," Maddie mouthed and kicked the door in.

We walked in and the room was dark only the, light from the moon illuminated the room.

I found the lights and switched it on, then I heard Maddie's gun cock and when I looked back there he sat in all his greatness.

No, not Tom Hiddleston .

Damien D'Angelo.

"No fucking way!" I groaned.

"Took you long enough Tehila!" He said placing emphasis on my "name".

" Daphne who's he and who the fuck is Tehila!"

Way to go Madeline.

"Oh, ok so its Daphne!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Well Daphne I'm here for the same reason you are!" He said getting up from the chair and sitting on the desk.

"No fucking way dude this our mission not yours so I suggest you get your ass moving before I make sure it can't move at all!" threatened Maddie.

"I don't have time for this ok," I said and gestured for the key which Maddie gave to me.

I walked to the painting on the third wall of the room and flipped it open to find a safe.


I attached the key to the safe and it creaked open, inside it was a bunch of documents and a chip in a casing.

I took the chip and placed it in my, purse.

"Let's go Maddie!" I said and walked through the door.

"Wrong wayyy!"I heard him sing.

And he was right about 30 men where heading towards us.

" SHIT!"

I glared at a smirking Damien.

"I'll deal with you later!" I said and brought out MGK and stood next to Maddie who had hers out.

"Fire!" I said and pulled my trigger back and bullets rung out and so did Maddie's.

More of them were coming and MGK was out.

"Are your lasers charged!" I asked Maddie who checked her wrist watch.

"Not yet!"

I let out a scream of frustration , this was all his fault, I needed to think fast.

"Carlos, get me a bottle of whiskey will you !" I said through my butterfly.

I took of my Jimmy Choose and brought out my dagger.

"Maddie smoke bomb!" I yelled and she threw it, creating a smoke screen which only I could see through.

I run towards them with Maddie following behind me.

The more we beat up the more they came.

"A little help!" I shouted over to Damien who took of his suit jacket and cracked his knuckles.

Maddie and I fell back and allowed Damien to take the lead.

"Lasers a 100%!"said Mae.

" Ok Daph its charged!" Maddie yelled over the noise.

"Good, Carlos stand 10 metres away from the bar and wait for us, we're going to laser through the ground!'

" You watch too much cartoons!"

"Yeah, well cartoons are going to save your life so!" I said.

"Khloe now,"

Explosions went off below us and so did screams, Maddie and I stood back to back.

"HEY D'ANGELO," I shouted and he looked back.

"We'd love to stay and help but we actually wouldn't,"

"FUCK YOU!" Maddie shouted and we activated the lasers.

We started falling until we reached the third floor standing exactly 10 metres away stood Carlos.

"Wow you really just lasered your way through the ground didn't you!" He said not at all shocked.

In this job you get used to a lot of weird shit.

"GET ON CARLOS!" yelled Maddie and he did.

I was just about to reactivate the lasers when I saw Jasper in trouble.

"Where is she!" yelled Victor Flavio holding him by the neck, with the two other men behind him.

I threw down Electric Way To Hell and Victor Flavio and his goons looked crispier than a KFC chicken.

Jasper however had my wrist watch on just like I'd whispered to him.

"C'MON !" I yelled.

"Fuck you, Flavio I quit!" He said and run towards me as I helped him on.

Maddie and I lasered our way through the third floor then the second and got out through the floor entrance.

We got in the car and drove two blocks towards the van.

"Ok Jasper , this is where we part ways, you can have the car and the 10 million chilling in the back seat!"

I didn't wait for him to say anything and got in the van.

"FUCK!" I yelled.

What do you guys think of Chapter 5.
I decided to make Jasper appear again in the future.
What do you guys think is the perfect vacation spot because I need one for the next few chapters.
Vote, comment and share.

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