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We where back to normal and at our strategy table and I was thinking Grey was right!

No not about me being obnoxious about Damien.

I already had the idea once, but I wasn't convinced yet then Grey added fuel to the fire.

Damien D'angelo was about to get conned by the greatest con artist in the world, namely me.

How do I say this,

Damien is a big fish and big fishes need time to reel in.

It was going to be difficult because now he knew who I was, but he doesn't know what exactly I am capable of.

He will see what I want him to see and not what he wants to.

But during this time I was going to have to gain his trust, but I still had many targets to hit in Milan.

"It's not going to be easy Daph, but if you think you can go through with it we're behind you!"said Grey.

"It's fine I'll go through with it, but who are we going to hit in Milan first!"

"All of them!"Carlos said smirking.

"As you know Daph, the Mafia Ball is coming up, meaning some of the richest men and women in the world are going to be in the same room together,you don't necessarily have to talk to any of them, because if we can connect Mae to their servers we can send out a wave, that automatically transfers their money into out accounts, say 50 million!"

"Ok,but we can't just walk in there like that, well I can easily but I'd need my fath-"

Then it hit me.


"What?"asked Khloe.

"My family always go for those balls, and my dad is going to find some messed up way to convince me to go to Greece with him!"I said and took out my phone.

"So what are we going to miss out on the chance of getting 650 million dollars, because there are going to be about thirteen targets, that is 130 million each!" Maddie said.

"She has a point!" said Carlos.

"So am I going to avoid them or what my dad is everywhere!"

"You don't have to and since when did you start listening to your dad!" Maddie said.

She was right! I just needed to survive the night and make sure Big Daddy Drakos doesn't kidnapp me and ship me to Greece.

It's happened before.

"Oh I forgot to ask which mafia is hosting the ball this year!'

They all gave me a deadpan look.

"Really!' Khloe said.

" I thought you were supposed to be the smart one!" said Maddie

"We're in Italy, Daphne which mafia do you think would be hosting, fucking Russians!" said Carlos and Maddie snickered.

"Ok, ok I haven't eaten in like two hours and I'm hungry, my brain doesn't process well when I'm hungry!"

"You love food too much," said Grey typing away on his keyboard.

"She'd probably marry food if she could!" said Carlos and I think he was trying to tease me.

"And what's wrong with that?" I asked pulling out another pocket knife.

He raised his hands in surrender and backed away from me slowly.

"Guys I have an idea," said Grey.


"The Italian mafia is hosting this years ball, what if we could connect Mae to their servers even before the day of the ball, but we still have to go because we still need to be there to set it off!" he said.

"Why?" asked Carlos.

"Because uploading Mae to their servers might take a while so if we upload it beforehand and just activate it as soon as we're in there badaboom badabing we take our money,eat some shrimp and we leave!"

"Ok, but we can' just waltz in there, it'd be crawling with Italian mafia men, so are you insinuating we sneak in?" asked Maddie.

"Nope! We already know someone who can get us in without any complications," he said giving me a knowing look.

" Wait give me a minute I know this," I said tapping my head.


Damien D'angelo.


Hi !

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From here on out things get pretty interesting so stay with me guys.

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Love you guys, bye.

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