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"Thanks to Daphnes brothers we all get a share of 210 million each!" said Grey swiveling his chair around.

"Money is not fucking important right now!"

"Bitch! Money is always important!" Maddie frowned at her.

"Ok sure, sure but Jordan looked so fucking hot I almost fainted when he asked me to dance in his ass hugging three piece suit! EEEEEKKK!"

"First of all never make that sound again and second of all he only did that so he could get closer to Dapien and to make sure Damien's hands were above waist level, which they weren't!" said Carlos smirking.

Khloe got up aggressively and threw my pillow at him making him fall of the couch arm rest.

"Hey can you guys quit using my pillow as a weapon for one second and what the fuck is Dapien that ship is bound to sink !"I said picking it up and helping Carlos up.

"Why are all the girls in my life so violent!" groaned Carlos making me push him back to the floor.

"We prefer the term 'gracefully mean' Carlos!" I laughed sitting cross legged hugging my pillow.

He got up holding his left arm muttering something about us being evil.It's not evil if you look sexy doing it, it's badass.

"So our mission here is complete, but Daphne's isn't !"said Grey.

"Ok right there's something I need to tell you guys!" I proclaimed.

"What is it?"asked Maddie.

"I know we all decided our next stop was Greece, but we all know I can't
because of you know my family issues especially my trauma-"I paused sucking on my bottom lip.

"Sorry,"I apologized quickly but they all nodded understandingly.

"Anyway concerning the Damien mission, he kind of hired me to steal something for him for 45 billion dollars!"

I paused again and waited for someone to say something but they all simply nodded again.

"So I kind of have to sneak into a secured place, get what he wants then he pays me 45 billion, then I can go ahead with the actual mission!"I concluded.

"Ok but can't we at least help you with your mission, then we leave for Greece without you!"said Grey

"No I want to do it myself this time well with him I mean!"

"You sure Daph?"asked Khloe.

"I'm sure!"

"Ok Daphne after a month and a half we'll come back for you, whether you've completed the mission or not because we need to be in Rio!"

I nodded, I was going to go through it whatever it took.

I needed to fulfill my own personal ambitions the money did not matter at this point.

I'll find her.

"Guys I'm hungry!" I said.

"Oh my God!"Grey scoffed in disbelief.

"Really Daphne! We just ate like 45 minutes ago, how can you still be hungry!",

"That was 45 minutes ago, this is now and you all know I get hungry whenever I think a lot!"I pouted.

They all ignored me and walked away to their rooms.

"Pft! Traitors!"

I layed back on the couch with my head on the armrest and my pillow safely in my hold.I closed my eyes to think for a while,which made me even more hungrier.

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