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I'd gotten 12 missed calls from Ty, 16 from Aero and 32 from Damien.

It had been 6 hours since I'd left the house in Damien's Porsche.

I was hurting , up there in my head.

Everything seemed so loud that I couldn't here Rema's beautiful voice blasting out the radio.

Semyon Ivanov.

6 years ago I'd shot a bullet clean through his heart and six years after he was still haunting me.

I've never talked about my mother because she's dead and Ivanov was to blame for that.

Instead of spending my childhood, having fun with my family and embracing being a child I was thinking of a way to take Semyon Ivanov's life.

I wanted to be satisfied, I wanted fulfillment.

But on that day when I'd pulled the trigger, I gained nothing.

It was just me, my gun and a corpse.

Speeding down a hill I was becoming hungry and I'd seen a convenience store.

I drove into their parking lot parked and walked in.

My eyes were probably bloodshot considering I hadn't blinked for a while.

I got myself a decent snack and walked over to the counter to pay for it.

The old lady behind the register, looked at me with concern and placed my things in a paper bag.

"Stai bene tesoro?"she asked peeking over her glasses.(Are you ok darling?)

"Sto bene, grazie."I said and placed a hundred euro bill on the counter.(I'm fine thank you)

"Il totale é di 23 euro."she said and handed me the bag.(Your total is 23 euros.)

I took the bag and made to leave, but she stopped me and said,

"Il tuo cambiamento."(Your change.)

I smiled weakly and she understood what I meant.

"Grazie."she said with a smile.

I walked out and to my car and got in.

I got the tiny bottle of tequila, I'd bought and shot it down my throat.

Allowing it to burn my throat, I turned the engine on, but seconds later I heard two shots being fired.

I froze and looked to find three gunmen holding the old lady I'd met at gunpoint.

It was the perfect place for a robbery, it was secluded from most of Milan, so gunshots would not be heard within a 3 mile radius.

I took another shot and dragged myself out the car, with my gun in my hand.

I got closer to the convenience store, not wanting to be late.

When I got to the door I slipped my gun into my pocket and swung the glass door open.

"On the ground now!"one yelled at me.

"Thank God you're American, Duolingo hasn't yet taught me how to deal with Italian scum."I said with relief and looked over at the old lady, who had tears in her eyes.

'Run', she seemed to be telling me but I'd said back 'I'm going to get you out of this safely.'

"Get on the fucking ground!"he yelled at me again aiming the gun at me.

I noticed they all had a modern, electric rifle and I smoled at this.

'Disabling all guns in the 2 meter radius.'
Mae said.

I wondered how long it'd been, when I'd used Mae for such a purpose.

"Per favore non farle del male!" the old lady pleaded with them.

"Shut up!"the smallest among them yelled, moved and hit her.

I was killing him last.

I took out my gun and fired three shots into their leaders chest.

The others quickly moved to shoot me, but their guns weren't firing.

They dropped their gun and raised their fists.

I shot the other one in his head before he could get closer to me all the while advancing towards the smaller one.

I slipped my gun back into my pocket, wanting to pound him all the way to hell.

He swung at me and I raised my hands to protect my face.

He swung again but this time I dropped my shoulder and delivered a strong punch to his jaw.

He cried out in pain as he squirmed on the ground and I just stood over him laughing.

I looked to see if the old lady was fine,but she still hadn't gotten back up.

I got on him and punched away like I had nowhere to be.

Every punch was stronger than the last and my knuckles had become bloody.

I got up when I saw he wasn't moving, with frustration.

As I didn't even want the possibility of him surviving I got my gun out and just as I was about to pull the trigger ,I heard behind me.

"Daphne!"I turned to find the Powerpuff girls staring at me in shock.

I focused my attention back on my last victim and fired into his chest till I was out of bullets.

Then a hot tear, rolled down my cheek.

'Why are you crying right now!' I'd screamed internally.

Damien, slowly crept behind me and took the gun out of my hand.

Finally, my body couldn't bring itself to stand anymore, I had exhausted myself beyond my limits.

Luckily Damien, caught me and I blacked out.

Ciao jellies.

I used Google translate for the Italian translations, so I don't want any Italians jumping on my ass telling me i didn't write something well.

Anyway, we now know something deep about Daphne after 23 chapters, what do you think?

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