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Michael had moved into his apartment two months ago. It was spacious enough, two bedrooms despite him being the only one living there, modern kitchen, he'd bought himself a big TV, what else could a guy want? (A decent shower is the answer to that question)

Michael's bedroom was painted completely white, with plain white sheets, the only colour being the house plants that dotted the room, green leaves giving life to the other dull room. Ashton had told Michael it was 'aesthetic' whatever that means.

Another thing Michael didn't understand was the fact that he had chronic insomnia. He took the pills that he was sure wouldn't do anything and listen to the doctors, but at the end of the day, nothing seemed to help him sleep. Michael was an unemployed freelancer though, so at least he rarely had to get up and function for work

Michael tended to dabble in everything, needed something filmed, sure! Sound recorded? Go for it! An entire script rewritten in three days? Um, why not I suppose. He was maybe kinda almost known in the independent film business at least, for just doing any spare jobs.

Michael had a lot of spare time between these spare jobs. As mentioned before, he dabbled in a little of everything, and artwork that he had painted with watercolours adorned the living, swirling sequences of stars covering large canvases, pink, blues and purples mixing together to make the night sky. Michael was pretty proud of that one, if you couldn't tell.

What Michael did most was write poetry. Most days he'd sit and look at the window that pointed out to the city, watch people, things, listen to the noises from where he'd open the window a tiny bit, and just write it down to the best of his ability, letting the words flow into non-uniformed lines and stanzas, messing around until it felt right, and then leaving it in his notebook to never be seen again.

So Michael had his hobbies, he knew that other people did, and what his downstairs neighbour did was play the piano at 3am on the dot, loud enough for Michael to hear in his sleepless state, but Michael didn't care about the melodies that made it's way into Michael's room. It was beautiful.

I'm sorry but like Luke playing piano does things for me

I'm actually super excited for this I've already written 5 chapters and yeah I'm so ready

Just gonna warn you now this fic will almost definitely have scenes of abuse, and stuff like that (I'll give warnings to chapters that that sorta thing happens though don't worry) but if you do get triggered by that, maybe don't read this, just to warn ya

Updates will be around once a week hopefully and yeah I hope you like it l8r sk8rs

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