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Michael wasn't particularly good at drums. Actually, that's an understatement, he's shit at them, honestly. He'd either forget to press the foot pedal or go to fast and fuck up everything and just give up. Ashton was trying to help him, and it was making him a little better. Not good enough to be recorded and put on a soundtrack though.

Michael only had a couple of days before he had to go there. He didn't want to drop out suddenly, because he didn't want that bad reputation on his name. Once you do one thing inconvenient, that follows you around anywhere you tried to sign up for work. He really needed to get good.

So that's how Michael ended up staying at Ashton's house, practicing both night and day, probably annoying all the neighbours and keeping them awake, but that was okay because Michael actually was getting to be alright, still too slow, but not so painfully so.

Ashton was happy enough with how he sounded playing that he didn't make Michael not go out of his own embarrassment, which if Michael had been less than alright, he would've been made stay at home, no matter what that would do to effect his reputation. Ashton was a bit of a perfectionist.

So Michael made his way to where he had to be. Honestly everything was in the same place for everyone, and Michael found the building that he was walking through all too familiar. It wasn't a horrible building, not in the slightest actually, but there were lots of stressed out people yelling at each other. That made it slightly less appealing.

Michael wasn't exactly sure what to expect from this as he wandered through the building. The receptionist told him that he'd be in the room at the very end of the extremely long and crowded corridor. More walking for him. Exercise is good!

But honestly, Michael was a little nervous, as he always was before something new. Though he'd been here before, it was for recording and producing some snippets of tracks, which basically for him just meant listening to it and making sure it sounded okay, easy stuff.

Actually recording the instrument however just looked stressful. He could vaguely remember one guitarist literally breaking down because they had to go over their part so many times because they kept getting it wrong. Sadly, Michael had a tendency to laugh whenever someone cried. That was an awkward day.

Sighing, Michael reached his room. He was five minutes early, but he doubted that mattered much, better than being late after all. So he walked in, giving an air that he was completely confident and knew exactly what he was doing.

The room was crammed with equipment and instruments, things piled on top of others, and Michael recognised what most of the equipment would be used for, though he couldnt give the name if he wanted to, putting names to faces, or in this case things, wasn't his best skill.

No one else was in the room by the look of it, so Michael crept over to inspect the drum kit. It was better than Ashton's one, unsurprisingly, at least that's what it looked like. Ashton's was battered and over used, this one shiny and clean. If Michael knew anything about the instrument, he might've ranted about it, like he can with guitars, but sadly he didn't know anything much, so he was left admiring something he didn't actually understand.

He hadn't heard anyone enter the room, but obviously someone had, because somewhere in the room a piano was being played. Whoever was playing it was pretty damn good, and Michael knew from his basic skill in piano (he could play the intro the The Scientist by Coldplay, that was it) that it wasn't as easy as people made out.

Quietly, Michael crept around the equipment, not wanting to startle whoever into stopping playing, and once he made it over the boxes that had been stacked up to his knee height, he could see the person who was the culprit of playing the tune.

Blond hair, slouched figure and thin, delicate fingers that passed over the black and white keys so smoothly. Those were the first things Michael noticed of the boy in front of him, simple details etched into his mind too suddenly.

Michael vaguely recognised the melody being played, a cover of a Twenty One Pilots song, if Michael was correct, and it sounded beautiful. Honestly, Michael had never appreciated piano music until he was able to hear his downstairs neighbour faintly play, but when in the room of someone who could play so well, it was beautiful.

The boy suddenly stopped, cursing at himself quietly, as if he had done something wrong, Michael hadn't heard anything bad though,"Sorry, I didn't mean for anyone to hear that," he said, and Michael wasn't sure how this boy had realised he was there honestly.

The piano player turned around, and the next thing Michael noticed was his ocean blue eyes and too sad expression.

So he's met Luke that's a good start yes yes yes

If you can't tell already this fic is gonna be kind of sad um oops

Tbh I need to get ready for school ew l8r sk8rs

La Douleur Exquise // Muke {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now