Je m'entends bien

774 85 9

Trigger warning-suicide mention

It didn't take long until Michael was able to thank Luke. Michael wasn't sure how they had managed to avoid each other to the day, but Luke stepped into the elevator Michael was already in, two days after Michael had heard Luke scream for two different reasons.

His neighbour looked like the definition of fuckboy, skinny jeans, offensive shirt and a pair of pitch black sunglasses adorning his eyes, and by the way Luke tilted his head at Michael, he could guess Luke had some sort of quizzical expression in his eyes.

"Are you stalking me or something?" he asked lowly, his voice dull and bored, even if his words weren't the type of subject that was light and happy.

Michael shook his head, about to make the point that he literally lives above Luke's head, but Luke spoke before him,"Funny, I seem to see you everywhere," he muttered, seemingly more to himself than anyone else.

His words confused Michael, because this was the first time since recording the drums a week or so back that he had seen Luke, and he hadn't been out of his apartment that much in those days anyway,"I haven't seen you at all," Michael replied quietly, the elevator taking longer than it should, and a tension Michael couldn't decipher in the air.

"Maybe that's because you're not looking hard enough," Luke suggested flippantly, flicking his phone on and scrolling on something,"You seem pretty oblivious to a lot of things," he grumbled, but Michael decided to ignore that comment.

"I think I'd notice someone who's 7 feet tall and nine feet wide," Michael scoffed, leaning against the wall and staring at Luke whilst he stood there staring at his phone, and it didn't actually look like he was doing anything on it anymore, just staring.

"Am I that fat, Michael?" he asked, though there was no real anger or even annoyance to his words, they were just blank, letters formed to make syllables that didn't matter to himself at all.

Michael felt his cheeks heat up, embarrassed in case he had offended Luke, because he needed to know more about the boy who never showed emotion, but was the most feeling of them all,"N-no, just, broad, ya know," Michael stuttered quickly, annoyed at how he stumbled over his words like that.

"Whatever," Luke replied, slotting his phone back into his pocket, just as the elevator doors opened, and Michael was sure Luke had some sort of super powers, he always seemed to know what was happening.

"Maybe you should actually look at things sometime, Michael," and then he left, long legs striding out the elevator, and Michael wasn't going to go after him with all his questions, he really wasn't, but then he wasn't sure when he'd next be able to talk to Luke, given their lives never seemed to clash, so Michael quickly caught up with Luke, who either didn't notice or didn't care that Michael was beside him again.

"What did you mean when you said everyone's an asshole?" Michael asked, suddenly, even if that wasn't his original question.

Michael heard Luke sigh, and if he could see Luke's eyes, he was sure he'd be rolling them, and Michael felt like an idiot because maybe that shit was obvious to anyone with the average amount of brain cells.

"What I mean is that, look around," Luke said, as they were now stood in the busy street with bustling people all around, and Michael looked, he really did, but he didn't understand. Thankfully, Luke explained for once.

"None of these people care about anything but themselves. If that lady's," Luke pointed at a random brunette women who was sat alone outside a coffee shop,"Best friend were to commit suicide, what would she say. Oh I'm so sad. I should've done something. I didn't even realise. No fuck that, it's not all about you all the fucking time. You give gifts because you like the feeling of accomplishment you get when whoever receives it. You have friends so you don't feel lonely. No one cares and that's what makes them assholes," Luke ranted quietly, the first ounce of frustrated emotion inching into his voice.

Michael nodded, even though he didn't understand. Luke seemed to have an intense mind, more complex and dark and confusing and Michael wondered whether Luke slept at night or whether he just kept thinking and thinking and thinking. Given the fact that he's up at 3am playing piano, Michael guess the second.

"That's," Michael muttered, because how are you supposed to reply to something like that after all. Michael heard Luke scoff beside him, but at this point Michael felt no reason to be offended by the taller boy.

"Sorry if that scared you off," Luke murmured, and maybe he was a little insecure about himself. His thoughts seemed quite private to just spew out loud, but maybe he got so lost in his words he thought he was just thinking in his own head. Michael didn't get Luke.

"Quite the opposite actually."

I like this fic because I basically just put all my weird thoughts into words that characters here speak and idk I think that's cool as i usually don't let anything like that leave my own mind, but it's quite nice to get it on a page idk idk

Also what the heck this thing already has 1k reads, like so quickly holy fuck wow thank you guys

I really need to start sleeping more ugh l8r sk8rs

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