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It was late in the night when Michael couldn't sleep and was pissed off about it, that he realised, that as three am came along with the piano melodies to follow, Luke and the person downstairs must be the same people.

There was no real educated reasoning behind it, except that both were exceptionally good at piano, and both seem to play when they at least think no one is around to hear it. That was really Michael's best guess, though he wasn't completely sure what he should do with this information now he has it.

After all, he can't exactly knock on the door of his neighbour at this time, like what would he say anyway. He's pretty socially inept and would probably end up punching Luke in the face and making him think of him as more of an asshole.

Michael had been thinking a lot about Luke's theory, of everyone being an asshole. Michael wasn't sure if it was an actual thing, or whether he had just made it up to get Michael to leave, but that didn't stop him from thinking about it too much, but for the most part, it was true.

People really are assholes when you first meet you. This is a world where how you look determines if you're going to be talked to or not, and where what clothes you buy matter and if you have tattoos or piercings or colourful hair you're a disgrace to the earth itself, and that's before you know whether that person is a doctor or a murderer.

And in that case, everyone is an asshole. When someone comes to talk to you, they do it because initially they like how you look, not because they've heard you have a wonderful personality that shines through. It was pretty corrupt in a way, and admittedly Michael does it too, which obviously makes him an asshole too.

But then was Luke an asshole as well. Technically, if his theory worked, he should be. But then that would mean he also shouldn't be allowed to listen to the music he plays, if his theory is that strict. So that would suggest that Luke isn't an asshole, but he sure acted a bit like one the other day.

Overall, Michael was just a little confused and almost definitely thinking too much about it all and he'd managed to zone out and miss whatever Luke had been playing, but maybe that was a sign in itself that he wasn't exempt from the asshole rule and he wasn't allowed to listen to the music either after all this time. He just needed sleep. He hadn't slept in three days.

Michael knew he should just take the pills sitting on his bedside table and get to sleep. He wasn't allowed to take them everyday, something about him becoming dependant on them or them not working otherwise. Michael couldnt really remember, he just knew to only take them when it was becoming a crippling weight on him, which admittedly it was.

Apparently it was stress induced, the insomnia, Michael was never sure why though. Yes, he was pretty stressed, about not having enough for bills to what his life was going to be like in 5 days, or months, or years.

Surely that was normal, Michael was sure everyone must stress about those things, it seemed like an obvious thing to be anxious about, but then what did Michael know?

It was weird, having little to no sleep, everything seemed to merge together. Michael was never sure of the day until he checked, because at the end of it, this day was the same as the last and nothing interesting ever happened to him and he was bored out of his mind.

He just wanted to go on an adventure and explore the world, but alas he was pretty much broke after food expenses and bills, so there was no chance in that. Maybe he was just lonely. He did only have one friend who was flitting around the country doing different jobs and Michael just needed company.

Michael pulled the duvet around his body, lying on his side. He want sure if he would be able to sleep or not. He was compeltely exhausted yet wide awake at the same time and it was a frustrating feeling when your body is crying for sleep but the rest of your brain says no.

So Michael stared at his yet wall, painted black in darkness, eyes glazed over and he looked and felt dead at that moment, even though he was still awake and stressed out about that too.

Idrk what's happening rn tbh but I have plans and that's what counts right. Yeah sure.

I'm p tired and I have to do so much shit tomorrow, so l8r sk8rs

La Douleur Exquise // Muke {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now