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Sorta smut maybe* (also listen to the video top/side pls)

Michael was asleep, but then he was awake. He didn't know how or when he'd slept or how long it had been, or anything really. He was groggy and tired and it had felt like five minutes ago it had been dark and silent, rather than light and loud. He was dazed and a little confused.

He'd forgotten Luke had been there until he felt a hand on a hip, making Michael jump out of his own skin briefly,"Relax, babe" Luke smirked, obviously making fun of Michael for something he couldn't actually remember, because his tongue tripped up his thoughts sometimes and not everything went to plan when he spoke.

"Luke, what are you doing?" Michael asked groggily, eyes still closed and sleep still swirling around his mind, numbing his body from whatever Luke was doing, blocking his thoughts from recollecting what was happening. Everything was blurred over and Michael was just about too tired to care.

Luke didn't answer, and Michael half assumed he was thinking of sleeping too. That was until he felt a hand around his cock and everything became a white flash of shock as he threw Luke away without a sound.

"What the fuck Luke?" Michael squeaked, pulling his boxers up and trying to at least stay a little calm. It could all be a misunderstanding, maybe it hadn't even happened. Maybe Michael was still asleep. He could only hope.

Luke looked up with concerned, confused eyes and raised eyebrows. His hair was completely disheveled along with his whole appearance, clothes lopsided and eyes too wide, he himself shocked as well, as if not expecting Michael to do that.

"What was that?" Michael asked again sternly. He was starting to realise being around Luke was always going to end badly now, and that maybe he should stop whatever was on the edge of happening before it got any more complicated. Any more real.

"Well for the hour you were actually asleep, you were whining my name non stop. I just thought maybe it'd be alright," Luke explained, shrugging as if this meant nothing, just a little blip, but Michael was still shocked and shaking a little at how relaxed Luke was and he didn't know what to think about the boy sat on his bed in front of him,"At least I waited until you were awake."

Michael looked down at the sheets that he was gripping too hard. It shouldn't have to be a big deal, it didn't have to be. Luke stopped as soon as Michael made him, if Michael had said the word Luke would've still stopped. It was the fact he started, that he assumed it.

"That doesn't make it okay, if there's no consent from my side, it's borderline rape," Michael breathed. He didn't want to scare Luke away with harsh words, but he didn't want Luke to think that it was alright either. It was a difficult one for him to tackle completely.

Luke nodded, eyes going softer again, any surprised look of his own wiped away to grow more concerned for Michael now, and at least he looked like he realise he was in the wrong. At least he maybe understood.

"Sorry Michael, I guess I just wasn't thinking about it, thought you might've just wanted some relief," he replied, keeping his voice soft and calm and collected, Michael nodding along but not quite looking at Luke because he knew if he did he wouldn't be able to stop himself from kissing him,"But I should've of let you give consent first. I'll remember for next time."

Michael stuck himself on the next time part. He knew Luke was sorry and Michael knew he couldn't stay mad for too long. Some people gave their partners blowjobs in the morning and maybe Luke thought it was normal and okay for anyone. But that was between partners and Michael and Luke were closer to strangers than they'd ever be to partners and maybe that's why the next time was bugging Michael so much.

"I don't want to be your fuckbuddy, Luke," Michael warned against himself. He knew that it was no use. He was so inexplicably drawn to Luke, he would never be able to stay away, but he wanted to as well. Actually, he didn't know what he wanted, second guessing himself constantly.

Luke looked at him with lazy eyes and Michael just about returned to look, heart thumping at eye contact alone and brain running laps of thoughts over what was happening between them, but nothing stayed constant anymore, he missed the easy life he had by himself, not having to think over every little thing.

"What do you want then?"

Michael gulped, eye contact wavering and breaking and Michael didn't know why he felt so shaky under the look Luke was giving him, but he was and it fucking sucked,"Friends, at least? That'd be nice," he whispered in response and Luke chuckled and Michael felt his heart drop slightly at the sound. Ridicule and rejection happened often for him, this wouldn't be the first time again.

"Not many people want to be friends with me. I often end up annoying them or scaring them away," Luke warned lowly back at Michael, and Michael couldn't help but smile. What Luke said wouldn't deter him, he'd continue with his strange type of pining, perhaps.

"When we first spoke you ranted about suicide, I think I can handle you," Michael replied with a joking scoff, and Luke smiled as well. It wasn't reaching his eyes as much as Michael would've liked, but he could see the gray layer lifting and glints of blue-ocean emotion appearing instead.

"Good," Luke whispered, and Michael hadn't realised their proximity until Luke was kissing him, soft and slow to begin with, Michael following Luke's lead. He was always following Luke's lead.

And when Luke jerked Michael off, he made sure at least five times that it was okay with Michael, and every time Michael agreed, all shock warn off and away, but maybe replaced with a new kind instead.

I always get really uncomfortable in fics when whoever gets woken up by being given a blowjob or whatever like it doesn't feel right to me idk idk

Anyhow, I'm obsessed with The Next Step and I think you should all watch it cause it's 10/10 omg l8r sk8rs

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