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Michael felt himself fall backwards onto Luke's leather black couch, the material dipping underneath him, and doing so further as Luke dragged himself on top of Michael, straddling his hips and pressing back on a heated kiss against Michael's lips.

Michael wasn't really thinking, apart from the thoughts of how Luke was hot and he totally wouldn't mind the idea of being abandoned in the morning for one night to taste every part of him. That's all he was thinking as Luke moved his lips to press open-mouthed kisses to Michael's neck.

Michael pressed his head further back into the couch to give Luke better access to the sensitive skin that expanded around his neck, feeling every movement of lips and teeth and tongue and it was sharp and sent shocks into Michael's very veins, but at the same time he loved the sensation and the dull pain it brought to his aching skin, that was craving to be loved.

Luke was quick and sloppy, a rushed lover who acted as if time was running out, and in the grand scheme of things perhaps it was and maybe the point was not to savour the moments but to make them so quick you die wanting to remember them and maybe Michael should stop thinking so much.

And all thoughts flew from Michael's mind as suddenly as they usually arrived when Luke ground down onto Michael, leaving Michael breathless and arching upwards for more contact he desperately wanted from Luke.

Michael whined quietly, so soft that if Luke hadn't been so phenomenally close he wouldn't of ever heard no matter how much he might've wanted to hear and Luke smiled as he put his lips over Michael's again in any attempt to keep him at all quiet from the prying neighbours as he continued to grind on him with melodic momentum which left Michael gasping for air and wanting everything more.

Luke smiled further against Michael's jawline, letting out a breathy laugh of sorts as Michael moved his hands to grip Luke's frail hips, with a death grip tightness, as he pulled Luke's closer in any attempt to receive the extra friction he so desperately wanted and he needed the clothes they were wearing gone. Luke was quick to comply.

Shirts were gone, jeans following quickly after and suddenly Luke had a hand down Michael's boxers and Michael let out a string of both curses and Luke's own single syllable name, as he pumped Michael's dick so quickly, exactly what Michael needed.

Michael bucked his hips in perfect synchronisation to Luke's hand and Luke moved away from kissing around Michael's and neck to his chest, and Michael cried out too loudly as Luke twisted his tongue around each nipple, seemingly knowing exactly how to undo Michael perfectly, yet not knowing him at all.

It didn't take long for Michael to come, chocked breaths and louder than ever moans indicating it all, and Luke kissed him through his high and Michael felt dizzy and in love with the impossible idea of Luke and his moans vibrated from his tongue to Luke's for them to be spat out and away as soon as he left, never to be thought of again. Michael didn't want that yet.

With soiled underwear and a dull surrounding of another type of sleepiness settling not upon his shoulders, he pushed himself up, so he was on top of Luke, and quickly returned Luke's actions onto the other, tugging on Luke's cock with the little strength he had left.

Luke's moans weren't loud or frequent, but deep and growling, rolling over his tongue effortlessly, and his hips bucked upwards roughly with no control, doing Michael's job for him in his own right and Michael smirked softly at the boy who was so vulnerable under Michael's touch, any demeanour he may of had before completely lost as Michael dragged his pale hand up and down his cock in such a simple action.

Luke was quick to come also, breathing and moans mixed as Michael felt the hot liquid run onto his hand and fingers and he smiled, taking it out of Luke's underwear and licking the cum off his fingers in an action worthy of a pornstar, slowly whilst keeping eye contact with Luke's blue orbs, making Luke's head fall back against the sofa and unholy thoughts enter his mind once again, as if he hadn't just come.

Michael was ready to collapse on top of Luke and just sleep, until footsteps came down the hall and Luke shot up, wide eyed and not as if he was about to go to sleep with Michael resting against him. No, it was quite the opposite,"You need to get out," he said suddenly voice hushed, and Michael glanced at him, confused and nervous he'd some how done something wrong.

"I'm not joking, just get out," Luke hissed and Michael could feel Luke's racing heartbeat where his hand was resting on Luke's chest, and he did as what Luke asked because apparently denying any of his requests was impossible for Michael and he really needed to learn to say no someday soon before he did something he truly did regret one day.

I'm sorry this took so long it was my mums birthday and oitnb has a new season so I'm a bit caught up rn lmao also next week I'm going camping for a few days so don't expect quick updates again I'm sorry

I s2g this tour has been so muke af I'm constantly punching myself in the face l8r sk8rs

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