Un Chat

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Michael came home the next day, dropping groceries down on the counter. After Luke watching (and getting in the way) at work yesterday, Michael had dropped Luke at his apartment, and that had been the end of it. No more, no less, but Michael was satisfied with that alone.

Michael had heard more yelling from downstairs though, and Michael wasn't sure what to do about it, so he just left it alone. He didn't know Luke, not really, there was no reason to barge in on a domestic argument. It can't have meant much either, considering he heard deep moans not much later than the yelling anyway.

Michael started shoving the groceries into the fridge and cupboards, the chore not his favourite when he felt he was just going to take them back out from their designated places anyway. That's why he never made his bed and didn't wash up enough, though it was just another way of saying he was lazy, actually.

Michael didn't want to do much today. Exhaustion was pushing onto his shoulders and giving him a headache and he just needed to listen to some music and hope sleep would finally force itself into his brain and crash down upon him like waves on the shore line, never lasting long enough.

Michael rubbed his eyes, dragging himself to the four walls that made his bedroom and he was getting sick of it looking all the same to him and needed something new to happen in it, but he wasn't sure what he wanted and he didn't know if he ever would at the rate his life was going.

Michael had accidentally left his bedroom window open while he'd been out apparently, considering the cold chill as he entered the large room and the noise from outside increasing tremendously upon arrival, and Michael silently cursed himself while thanking whatever being that fate was for not being burgled.

Michael decided to keep the window open anyway though, because he was home and it was fairly warm and fresh air never hurt, supposedly. Also Michael was lazy and the window was stiff and heavy, made of old cracked wood which should probably be replaced with the usual upvc stuff up-to-date houses have, but he had no cash, so that would have to wait.

Instead Michael crashed onto the bed, legs aching from the walk to the store and back (he preferred to walk to the places he could, to save fuel and all) and he just wanted to roll into a ball for a bit. He didn't get the luxury as a cat suddenly appeared, digging its claws into Michael's arm instantly and drawing blood and Michael howled in pain. Oh, Michael didn't own a cat, by the way.

The cat hissed at him, as if /he/ had hurt it, instead of the other way round, but just as suddenly as it was angry at Michael, it became completely docile, grooming itself on the end of Michael's bed as if he hadn't just attacked him or anything. Cats were assholes who acted like they owned the floor they stood on but Michael fucking loved them anyway.

The cat itself had off-White fur and bright blue eyes and was prettier than the average person, which was kind of embarrassing, considering it was, well a cat, and Michael was insanely jealous of whoever owned it.

Slowly Michael reached forwards, making the weird clicking noise with his tongue as he went to pet the large, fluffy cat, whose fur was as white as his own bedsheets,"Here kitty," he muttered, voice going up maybe an octave or so.

Sadly the cat didn't want to cuddle, instead jumping off the bed, and Michael, instead of leaving it, jumped up as well, chasing it across the room. He just wanted to cuddle man, what's so bad about that request.

The cat jumped out the wide window, and Michael was about to have a heart attack until he remembered it lead to the fire escape and Michael climbed out too despite himself because this cat was now just offending him, like he trespassed onto Michael property and scared Michael's arm and wouldn't even let him let it in return for its wrong doings.

So Michael chased it down the steps, not noticing how out of breath he was somehow and pretending his heart didn't skip a beat when he saw the drop down, but Michael had forgotten how unfit and sleepy he was briefly as well as the fact cats had extreme speed, until Michael saw the cat slide through a small gap in the window, leaving Michael outside and sad about it.

Michael didn't want to seem like a creep as he stood outside the apartment, pouting at the missing presence of the cat he had just wanted to pet for a little while, but he sure did when he made eye contact with a disgruntled Luke who was sat on the couch in his own apartment, and Michael felt his cheeks heat up.

Michael didn't move out of embarrassment alone as Luke came over and opened the window up fully, leaning out towards Michael,"If you wanted to say hi, I do have a door," Luke grumbled, glancing over Michael who just flushed hot red.

"I-I, cat and I- just," Michael stammered, unsure of what to say in this sort of situation, after all, it didn't exactly happen much anyway to anyone. Michael was goddamn stupid sometimes.

Luke smirked at Michael's awkwardness, which honestly didn't make Michael feel much better about the situation,"I wondered where Marshmallow went during the day, he's probably the one stealing your ham," Luke said casually, leaning his hands against the window sill.

"How did you know I had a ham thief?" Michael asked softly, leaning back slightly when Luke continued to lean further out the window, somehow not falling completely still.

Luke rolled his eyes,"You yell about it a lot," he replied.

"Sorry," Michael whispered when Luke's face was in front of his and Michael couldn't lean any further back without falling (which would also mean falling to his death)

"You could kiss me to make up for it."

La Douleur Exquise // Muke {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now