Nuit de appel

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Luke came back one night. Michael didn't know, not until he heard the softness of the piano and his whole heart lifted and he didn't know what was affecting him for this to happen, it had never been something to affect him before, but now he couldn't control himself or his emotions. He just knew he felt happier in the moment, knowing Luke was okay, and it was starting to feel as if his own emotions were wavering and depending on Luke's.

Michael crept out his window quickly. He wanted to see Luke, to touch him in only innocent ways, to make sure he's still real or whether he was just another part of Michael's imagination. When everything was blurring so vividly to become one, it wasn't as easy to tell anymore.

The piano was opposite Luke's living room window, and Michael could see his broad back slouched over it even in the darkness. He was folded over the piano as if he had to protect it from a bullet or it was the only thing keeping him up from collapsing.

Michael only knocked softly on the window. In a way he didn't want to disturb Luke, just to let him play his heart away and further, but at the other end of his heart he couldn't wait for that. Michael had always been impatient and he just needed to see Luke's pretty blue eyes and soft pink lips and everything about him.

So when Luke didn't hear him the first time, he knocked again, a little louder this time. But Luke was in his zone, away from the world and Michael wasn't sure he would be able to break him from it, until he knocked again and Luke lifted his head, turning around and meeting Michael's eyes with a foul expression.

Michael flinched back, expecting an onslaught from Luke. Instead, when Luke opened up the window and dragged Michael in, Michael got something he'd been secretly needing for months. Luke's lips pressed harshly to Michael's. It wasn't much of a kiss, just too sets of lips smashed together, but Michael's heart fluttered out of control, even when Luke moved away with a glare.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked harshly, sitting down in his sofa whilst Michael stayed stood up, swaying from side to side awkwardly while Luke watched him with hooded eyes. Luke looked dishevelled, he obviously hadn't shaved since he had been gone, practically a beard on his face and he just looked extremely tired. Then again, Michael didn't look much better.

Michael shrugged. What was he doing there. He didn't really know,"I suppose, I miss you," he replied earnestly, though he wasn't sure whether Luke would appreciate that or not,"I was worried, you left without a trace."

"I can look after myself," Luke replied, crossing his arms over his chest and lifting his chin upwards, obviously not taking anything from Michael today. Michael just wanted to make sure Luke really was okay, and he kept getting shut down. Maybe that was more proof than any that Luke was not alright at all.

"Can you really though?" Mike asked.

Luke shook his head. It was instant, he didn't think about it, it just happened. It was like the walls built up around him went from being totally fortified to non existent and Michael wasn't sure how to react to that now.

Michael chose that moment though to set himself down beside Luke, and Luke rested his head on Michael's shoulder heavily. He seemed half asleep already, eyes drooped and any tough facade he had going on completely disintegrating just like that.

"You wanna talk about it?" Michael asked softly. Here they were, two broken people together on a couch, acting as if they were okay for the other. It was all a lie though, both were collapsing under everything in their heads. Maybe Michael should look into a therapist, but maybe he's waiting for Luke to be the one to save him. Both seemed a little hopeless.

Luke shook his head,"Another time," he whispered, picking at a loose thread at the knee of Michael's jeans,"You know when you say something for the first time to someone, and that's when it becomes real. Well I'm not ready for that," he added gently, pressing his nose to Michael's neck.

Michael nodded, because he got it. He had things he never wanted to admit because it made it real, it made it real that he was different from everyone else. That's why it took twenty years for him to come out to anyone. He was scared of everyone hating him and so he kept it inside, and he doesn't regret it. Most people would, but he doesn't. It meant people didn't judge him, he didn't become the joke of the school. Yes he felt alone, but at least he was slightly more accepted than otherwise. Only slightly.

"D'you want me to stay the night?" Michael asked softly, nudging Luke slightly before he fell asleep and kept Michael in an uncomfortable position on the couch for too long. Luke flinched awake, looking around with wide eyes, before resting his head back onto Michael's shoulder softly.

"Calum's here," he replied quietly, his voice thick with sleepiness.

"Oh," Michael breathed out,"Maybe I should go then," he murmured, removing himself from Luke's side, receiving a whimper from him. "I'll see you soon."

Luke nodded, looking up at Mike with the softest eyes Michael may of seen and he smiled softly at him, pressing a quick kiss to Luke's forehead, before, with dread going from his feet to head, leaving the apartment. He hoped Calum was starting to treat Luke how he deserved to be. And that was like he was royalty, nothing less.

I haven't actually written anything in weeks but I felt I should put something out at least I'm sorry for the long periods without updates I just have no motivation rn and I bought seasons 1-5 of himym (and am convincing my mum to buy me the rest) and I've nearly finished them all and it's been less than a week Jesus Christ l8r sk8rs hopefully next update won't take 10 fcking years

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