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Michael didn't see Luke for weeks, maybe a month. It was to the point that Michael was left wondering if that night had been real, or some sort of feverish, dream that came close to nightmare as well. Michael tried to forget it, but he just couldn't quite.

It was the silence which made Michael wonder about it more. The silence had never been broken the whole weeks that Luke had disappeared, any trace of him gone, even from Michael's skin, which at one point he'd believed would be scarred by Luke's hot touch.

What surprised Michael the most though, was the piano, which was gone, like it had never existed before. Michael was probably the only one to notice, and it made him so terrifically worried, it was effecting his movements and thoughts and work.

He knew that when Luke left with anger and sadness, just to play his piano exactly on time, like a ritual to something else, something so important he couldnt even fathom to miss it, that something was wrong, really wrong, for him to miss it each night. Michael wanted to go down and see, but he didn't want Luke to think of him as weird to notice these things. But then, this was Luke, he wouldn't see it as weird, but incredible that someone cared to listen. At least, that's what Michael thought, he didn't know Luke that well though.

Michael decided he'd go down when he found Marshmallow, Luke's cat that was, and maybe the main cause of this tangled mess, eating some food Michael had left on the counter like nothing else. So Michael picked the cat up, who was a lot more compliant this time, sinking into his arms like nothing, and Michael smiled at the warmth, clicking his apartment door shut as he left.

He took the stairs, skipping down them, because eventually it would be quicker than waiting for the elevator when it was only one floor. Michael two years ago would disagree, but he'd gotten vaguely less lazy since then.

Transferring the snow white cat, who was purring in his arms currently, into the crook of a single arm, Michael knocked at the door, hoping it wasn't too early for Luke. Michael imagined him as the kind of guy who wakes up at dawn to see the sunrise. Michael was starting to romanticise the very idea that was Luke.

Luke wasn't the one to answer, nor was it a flash of white light that would be the sun streaming in. Instead, Michael was met with a dark apartment and a tan boy with bed hair and it all came crashing down on Michael again that he was just a thing for Luke to use when needed, and nothing more.

"Who are you?" the voice says, gruff and Michael remembered it was early and normal people would probably still be asleep, and here he was waking up a neighbour who wanted nothing to do with him outside of the hours he decided he did.

Michael shook his head, looking down at the cat in his arms than the guy in front of him who had steely eyes to match his expression, which was solid, tight, something that made Michael feel fear somehow.

"Erm, I live upstairs and, um, this is your cat," Michael muttered, tumbling over his words and heart thumping from the quizzical look he was receiving and Michael just wished he hadn't bothered now, and just shooed the cat out his window and hoped for the best of it. It would've been easier for him at least.

"I don't have a cat," the dark haired boy said roughly, bluntly, and Michael flicked his head up briefly to look at him, confused, but regretted it when he saw the glare he was receiving, looking back to the ground whilst the cat wriggled in his arms.

Suddenly another voice called something Michael couldn't make out, and small steps that turned louder made their way to the door, until Luke was next to the other, dressed in only boxers as if it was appropriate and hair messier that Michael had seen, but somehow he was looking more perfect. It was fucking frustrating.

"D'you know who this is?" the other asks, moving his glare away from Michael to Luke, and Luke lazily looked over Michael with hooded, sleepy eyes, before shaking his head, quick and sharp, and Michael gaped at him against his will.

"No, Calum, I don't," Luke replied making Calum's lips upturn slightly, into a wry smile that made Michael's heart beat quicken and blood run cold. It looked like something bad, everything about him seemed like something bad. Michael blinked, trying to break out of his weird trance, but the way Calum looked at Luke didn't make Michael feel right.

Michael sighed, he wasn't going to fight with Luke, not when Calum was there, he wasn't going to tell him Luke cheated, or anything else. That could wait still,"Whatever, I just wanna return your cat," Michael said, breaking away Calum's gaze from Luke, the glare returning to him until Luke reached forwards, taking the cat and seemingly purposely running his hands down Michael arms, sending unwanted goosebumps there.

"Since when have you had a cat?" Calum asked while Luke place Marshmallow down in their, or his, Michael wasn't sure, apartment.

"We've had him for over a year," Luke said, some kind of sadness in his voice whilst Michael stood there.

"I hate cats," Calum snapped, slamming the door into Michael's face, leaving him awkwardly standing in the doorway for a few seconds, trying to understand his encounter just there.

Hey guys how are y'all, it feels like it was ages ago that I updated and I'm sorry

I've just started writing a new fic (I need to stop I know) and it's gonna be kind of weird but hopefully good I think the idea for it is v original ngl

It's Ashton's birthday today but I can't quite comprehend he's 21 I'm in a state of denial rn l8r sk8rs

La Douleur Exquise // Muke {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now