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Ashton was a little confused when Michael turned up with Luke in tow, and Michael quickly explained that he was just there to watch, no do anything, in a hushed whisper so Luke could only suspect what they were talking about instead of know.

They arrived on set where Luke followed like a shadow as Michael went to set up a camera, as that was apparently his job for the day. The camera itself, though huge and scary looking at first glance, was honestly not that difficult once you got the hand of it, and Michael flicked a few switches and pressed a couple of buttons and was ready to go.

All the time, Luke just stood behind him, not too close, but not particularly far either, and Michael wasn't sure what to do really, whether to talk to him or just ignore him. Michael went with the former, because he didn't want things to get too awkward.

"What's your job then?" Michael asked, turning away from the large camera to look at Luke, who looked down at Michael, biting his lip slightly, and Michael couldn't help a few dirty thoughts flash through his mind briefly.

Luke shrugged,"I like watching you work," he said, completely dodging the question,"It's interesting, methodical, I suppose, keep on with whatever it is you're doing," and Michael sighed, wondering if he'd ever get a real answer from the tall boy.

"There's not much I can do for a while though," Michael answered truthfully, because he actually had the ability to answer questions,"Do you have any hobbies?" he asked, trying to get something out of the mysterious blond boy who acted so disinterested.

"You already know the answer to that," Luke replied, and Michael sighed, knowing Luke meant the piano, and Michael supposed that Luke only knew of the time he heard at the recording, not every night. That's what Michael hoped.

"Okay, what don't you like?" Michael tried once again.

"Answering questions," Luke replied, smirking slightly, and Michael groaned, shaking his head in slight annoyance. He was being such an asshole and Michael wasn't sure why he was putting up with it honestly.

"Whatever, come here," Michael said, and Luke raised his eyebrows, as if not expecting Michael to actually ask something from him, and Michael wondered whether Luke thought he was going to be the only asking for things or something. Michael was unsure and he always was around Luke and it was starting to scare him already.

Luke strode over, long legs over a short distance, until he was stood next to Michael, slightly confused maybe,"Make yourself useful and help me move this over there," Michael said, a random wave of confidence riding over him for a few short seconds.

Luke just shrugged, and started pushing the piece of equipment along, making a few inches before glaring at the item frustratedly,"It's heavy," he commented, mostly to himself, and Michael rolled his eyes, chuckling slightly.

"I know," Michael said,"You actually have to have muscle, ya know," he commented gleefully, and Luke huffed beside Michael, seemingly unamused, though a small smile played on his lips, which was good enough for Michael.

"I don't appreciate that kind of comment, Michael," he replied, setting off to push the too big camera, in Luke's opinion, again, this time with Michael's help, making it a lot easier.

Once they got it to the spot needed, Luke took some steps back, once again watching Michael work, Michael listening as he got told where to pan and focus and all the rest, and Luke watched his concentrated face and sharp, yet somehow soft features with interest. Michael was shy, yet confident, awkward and outgoing. He seemed to be both and introvert and extrovert and Luke wondered how that could be possible.

And suddenly things were being filmed and everyone except the actors themselves had to be quite and Luke watched as Michael wetted his lips and slowly turned the camera how he'd been shown, and he was able to take all these new things in so quickly and Luke thought his brain must be pretty quick and learning, smart in a not so conventional way.

It didn't take long and things were done and Michael turned to Luke with a smile on his face and a thumbs up, and Luke smiled back, yet didn't feel it inside how he should.

Today in physics we were singing Taylor swift songs and we asked the teacher what his fave song by her and he said shake it all (lmao) and then I asked if he liked Mumford and sons (cause he looks like he belongs in that band) and he said he thought they were alright and my friends asked if he liked 5sos, fob and p!atd and he said he quite liked 5sos, and thought fob and p!atd were okay, he also said he liked arctic monkeys old stuff and that he saw muse recently and that his favourite band rn is Hot Chip, but the fact he knew fob and p!atd made me real happy lmao

He also said he hates screamo music

So yeah my physics teacher is like my favourite person rn lmao l8r sk8rs

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