Chapter - 2, One Of Her Kind

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Double-Update! Enjoy!


Akshara looked at him angrily. She knows he's her senior but he can't talk to her like that.

"I'm not an Idiot!" Akshara glared at him.

"Deny the clumsy thing also." Abhimanyu mocked her.

"Oh, I will. I'm not clumsy! It's just that the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the wall and you get in my way." Akshara said defending herself.

"Yeah, Go on. Blame these poor non-living things and me." Abhimanyu taunted.

"Poor things? I don't think so. Because of these poor things, I have hurt myself." Akshara disagreed with him.

"It's your mistake. If there wouldn't a table you would have fallen again. And stop walking...Oh, wait, not walking, I should say, stop stumbling here and there." Abhimanyu scoffed at her.

"Ugh! Stop reprimanding me like I'm a baby. You are such a..." Akshara tried to find a mean word which would shut him up.

"Sweet person, right? I know I'm." Abhimanyu boasted himself.

"Sweet? And you? My foot! If you are sweet, then I'm...." Akshara thought for some time." then I'm Akshara Birla." Akshara said and Abhimanyu looked at her bewildered.

"Huh?" Abhimanyu asked not understanding her.

"I'm not, right? Then you are not sweet also." Akshara smiled sweetly. Abhimanyu looked at her in disbelief.

Abhimanyu went away shaking his head and Akshara smiled in victory. She fisted in the air.

"Yes! Abhimanyu couldn't come with a comeback." Akshara danced a little.

Akshu - 2, Mr Grumpy - 0

Abhimanyu Birla hates two things in a person the most - Clumsiness and Messiness and this is what Akshara Goenka is. She irritates him a lot!

He won't say he hates her because hate is a big word. He just doesn't like her clumsiness and messiness. He still remembers the first time he met her three days back.

Akshara had come to give Abhimanyu some paper because Manjiri told her. She knocked on his cabin door and entered after he muttered a small "Come in."

As soon as she came inside, the first thing she did was stumbled onto the carpet on the floor and papers in her hands scattered on the floor. Abhimanyu shook his head. When he went to help her, she made him fall too instead of getting up. He glared at her and Akshara smiled nervously.

They got up after taking the papers and when she passed them to him while muttering 'Sorry', all the things fell that were on the table.

"Ow!" She hurted her foot and smiled at him nervously. She has heard that Abhimanyu Birla is an angry man.

"I'm so sorry." She muttered after picking the picture of His Mom and Dad.

"Give it to me!" Abhimanyu said coldly and Akshara flinched, making the frame fall on the floor.

Abhimanyu closed his eyes, trying to calm his anger while Akshara kept muttering 'Sorry.'

"Show me your foot," Abhimanyu said after some time.

"Huh?" Akshara looked at him confused. He gestured toward her foot from where the blood was coming.

He treated the wound and told her to get out this instant. Akshara muttered a little 'Sorry' and went towards the door, stumbling on the carpet again due to his penetrating gaze which was following her every move. Abhimanyu saved her by grabbing her wrist. He gave her a murderous glare which made her shudder.

"Get out!" Abhimanyu yelled at her.

Akshara signalled toward her wrist and he left her hurriedly and she dashed out of his cabin.

He looked at his cabin, the carpet was not like before, and the things that were on the table were now on the floor and some on the table. He sighed a little.

This girl was a walking mess! A walking trouble. Abhimanyu was sure about it.

Abhimanyu went to his cabin after checking the patients and as soon as he sat down, he heard a voice. It was normal for him to hear Music as his Ma was a Music Therapist but this voice was not of his Ma. It's like the voice is calling him. Abhimanyu's curiosity to know about the person behind this voice took him out of his cabin.

Before he could go in the direction from where the voice was coming, a Junior Doctor called him and he explained the reports of the patient. Abhimanyu was getting impatient. This voice has hypnotised him and he wanted to go in the direction of the voice. After explaining everything, he followed the voice but before he could reach the Music stopped. Abhimanyu sighed disappointedly. He still wanted to look for the person but as soon as he entered, he found his Ma standing there and no one was there.

"What happened?" Manjiri asked smiling at her son.

"Nothing!" Abhimanyu dismissed the topic.

"Let's go to Akshu's cabin," Manjiri said to Abhimanyu who denied her.

He doesn't want to go to her cabin. God, save him from the horror! He can't see her messy room again. He remembered the time when he went to her cabin.

Abhimanyu went to her cabin after his Dad told him to call Akshara. He entered inside and the scene irked him.

Her whole room was messy. The files on the table weren't kept neatly. There were chocolate wrappers on the desk and even on the floor. Her guitar was on the sofa carelessly and her id card from the hospital was half on the sofa. The chocolate was smeared on her lips and her hair was sticking to her face making her irritated but she couldn't do anything due to her hands which had chocolates.

That day, Abhimanyu Birla realised Akshara Goenka was a messy person as well as a messy eater. She was a mess.

"A Beautiful Mess." His conscience teased.

Abhimanyu couldn't help but agree. He shook his head at his thought. He looked at Akshara who was looking at him with those innocent eyes while her lips were smeared with chocolate. She looked at him in confusion and then realised the messy room. She got up hurriedly, stumbling here and there. She washed her hands and face and cleaned up the room while Abhimanyu went away after saying that Harshvardhan is calling her.

Abhimanyu scolded himself for having such thoughts.

Abhimanyu shook his head again.

Akshara Goenka was one of her kind.

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