Bonus Chapter, To Togetherness of Love

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Dedicated to my lovely readers. :-)

P.s - It's two-three months before their baby's news came.


Abhimanyu was sleeping in his room soundly when he heard a noise that stirred his sleep a little. He looked around and switched on the lamp beside his side.


Feeling sleepy, he switched on the lamp and soon drifted into slumber again.

Akshara panted and took a deep breath. Climbing up the ladders she put to go up the window.

Too much effort!

Akshara looked inside from the window. Abhimanyu was sleeping soundly. Finally going inside, she tip-toed into the room.
Sitting beside his bed, she adored him silently. A stray fell on his face and she put it back. She smacked her forehead suddenly and mentally scolded herself.

"Abhii..." She whispered in a hushed voice.

"Hmm....let me sleep ma," Abhimanyu mumbled and turned to another side.

"Abhiii...." Akshara shook him violently.
Abhimanyu woke up half with a jerk, stood on his hands, looked around himself, and found Akshara his one hand slipped and he fell back on back in shock.

" I dream..dreaming?"
Abhimanyu mumbled hurriedly in a gibberish way, totally confused.

She face-palmed and looked at him blankly.

"Abhiii..." Akshara whined cutely and Abhimanyu still looked at her as if trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Get up!" She said hurriedly and threw pair of clothes at him.

"Where are we going but...?" He looked at her confused again.

"I'm not telling. No! Just go get ready." She pushed him towards the bathroom while Abhimanyu reluctantly left.

As soon as he came out, she looked at him impatiently and ushered him to go.
"Let's go!" She said and took him towards the window.

He looked at her panicked, remembering her klutzy skills.
"We are not going from here, especially you." Abhimanyu pulled her back towards himself.

"Abhi!" Akshara glared at him and looked at him angrily.

Abhimanyu looked at her amused.

"If you stop me again, I swear..." Before Akshara could complete it, Abhimanyu kissed her nose.

Akshara gasped and the red blush coated her cheeks as she looked at him frozen with widened eyes. She instantly tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down, finding the floor more interesting suddenly.

"Shall we go?" Abhimanyu asked after stifling his laughter but still, the amusement shone in his eyes.

Akshara nodded without looking at him.

"Careful!" He said hurriedly as he saw her foot slipping and clutched her hand tightly.

Akshara smiled sheepishly while Abhimanyu scowled at her.

"I knew it, I knew you will show your extra amazing skills!" Abhimanyu said sarcastically while helping her to reach down safely as he descended the ladders.

"Aren't you too sweet Mr. Birla?" Akshara smiled sweetly as she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes at him.

"Akshara, it's 4 in the morning. Where are we going?" Abhimanyu tried to ask her again. Akshara looked at him for a few minutes blankly and then said nothing.

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