Chapter - 15, I Love You!

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Akshara ignored Abhimanyu the whole day sometimes knowingly or sometimes unknowingly. Abhimanyu was annoyed because of that.

Today, they both were sulking.

Akshara still wanted to be sure of her feelings. What if this is a mere infatuation from her side?

She doesn't want to hurt Abhimanyu because somewhere she knew he felt something for her.

Akshara doesn't know what to do and the only thing she could do was this. She really missed the time when they could bicker without giving it much thought.

What changed now?

Abhimanyu was going to his cabin when he saw Akshara talking to Dr Rohan who gave her cold coffee. He clenched his fist tightly.

Why was Dr Rohan hell-bent on making him angry?

Akshara thanked Rohan and gave him a sweet smile and Abhimanyu looked away for a few minutes.

He turned to look at them and saw the rose in Rohan's pocket and he glared at it.

"What's the mistake of poor rose?" His conscience chided.

Akshara felt his presence and his penetrating gaze which was enough to make her nervous. She started fidgeting with her dress.

She looked at Rohan who was looking at her sweetly, unaware of the glares and curses he was getting.

"Uh...I..should go." Akshara ran away from there before Abhimanyu could stop.

She knew if he demanded answers for her ignoring him, she wouldn't be able to answer anything. She felt sad looking at him sulking but she was confused.

For God's Sake, why do the feelings have to be so confusing?

Abhimanyu looked at Akshara running away from him.

Two days later,

Abhimanyu was so frustrated, these two days and the victim of his wrath were poor interns.

Abhimanyu tried to talk to her but Akshara would run away and one day he almost confronted her when his dad and mom came there.

Abhimanyu cursed his fate and glared at Akshara who didn't meet his eyes.

The same was the case with Akshara, she was so frustrated these two days. She would sulk in her room and wouldn't talk much. Aarohi was so confused by her behaviour.

She was saved that day from confrontation when his parents came. Akshara didn't look up at him for once. It was going too far she knew but she didn't stop.

Akshara realised that if she doesn't get to see Abhimanyu or bicker with him, she becomes sad or grumpy.
Seeing Abhimanyu being sad hurts her very much.

Abhimanyu had enough and now no one can stop him from confronting her. Abhimanyu was going to meet Akshara when Dr Shreya came in front of him.

"Hi, Dr Abhimanyu.." She greeted smiling at him.

"Hi, We will talk later," Abhimanyu said hurriedly.

Akshara came toward Abhimanyu's cabin and saw him talking to Dr Shreya. She was standing too close. Abhimanyu's concentration was on the file and Dr Shreya was looking at him. She was standing too close and Akshara glared at her.

"He could have told her to stand a little away. But No, Mr Grumpy ignored this." Akshara muttered to herself.

"And what's the need to come to the hospital looking so hot?" Akshara muttered, glaring at Dr Shreya.

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