Chapter-24, Do I look like psycho to you?

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First of all,
Happy Independence day.

As today's episode is very emotional, so I thought to write this drama-free chapter.
And we may see(which I hope doesn't happen but no trust on DKP) separation.


"Akshara?" Harshvardhan looked at his to-be daughter-in-law in confusion.

"Why are you in hurry?" Harshvardhan
asked but Akshara looked behind him.

"I...I have to meet Ma. Y..yeah, so I..I am going." Akshara gave him a small smile and went away hurriedly.

"Akshara and her pranks!" He shook his head and smiling to himself went to his cabin.

"Akshu!" Aarohi shouted seeing her going away and ran behind her but she bumped into Harshvardhan.

"What the?" Harshvardhan looked at her baffled.

"S...sorry, I'm sorry, Sir." Aarohi looked at him in panic.

"It's okay." He nodded and Aarohi ran behind Akshara.

"These two are really sisters. Both always bump into me while they are in hurry and as soon as I say it's okay they ran away." Harshvardhan muttered to himself.

Akshara ran as fast as she could but when she saw that can't save herself like that, she tried to hide. She saw Abhimanyu's cabin and she ran inside and hid under his desk.

Aarohi turned the corridor and looked here and there in confusion.

"Where did she disappear to?" Aarohi looked around but didn't find her and huffed loudly.

"What the weird invisible shit is this?" Aarohi muttered to herself and shrugged to herself. When she didn't find her she left that place.

Abhimanyu entered his cabin, completely tired from his night's schedule. Akshara got up to go but after seeing Abhimanyu removing his shirt, she hurriedly bent down and in a panic state, she pushed the chair. Abhimanyu heard something and looked toward the sound but didn't find anyone. He looked around a bit after wearing another shirt but found none.

When Akshara saw him moving toward his desk, she moved away from his desk on her knees. Before she could come in front of his desk, her toe was hurt and a yelp left past her lips. She quickly put a hand on herself but it was of no use as Abhimanyu has heard her yelp. He peeked across the table and saw Akshara looking up at him innocently with one hand on her mouth and another clutching her toe.

"H..Hii," Akshara muttered softly and Abhimanyu frowned more.

"What are you doing here?" Abhimanyu asked Akshara who just looked at him without uttering anything.

"Akshu?" Abhimanyu called out to her when she didn't reply even after a few minutes.

"Me?" Akshara asked dumbfounded. Abhimanyu looked at her blankly.

"No! I'm talking to that sofa." He said sarcastically. "What are you doing here?" He said looking at the sofa.

"Abhii!" Akshu whined and Abhimanyu looked at her expecting a reply.

"I.." She was cut off by him. "Get up from there, first." Abhimanyu reminded and Akshara tried to get up.

"Don't..." Before Abhimanyu could utter, Akshara got up hitting her head on the desk.

"Hurt yourself." Akshara yelped again and Abhimanyu rolled his eyes.

"Ouch! Ow! It's hurting." Akshara cried in pain.

"Duh! It will. You hit a desk not a..." Abhimanyu started sarcastically. "Stop lecturing me!" Akshara slapped his shoulder.

"Come here." Abhimanyu pulled her closer and then made her sit at the desk by picking her up while putting a hand on her waist.

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