Chapter - 9, Akshu was precious

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Akshara was sulking in her room. Aarohi was getting ready and Akshara grimaced.

She wanted to go to the hospital too.

She said this to Kartik but he straight away denied saying that she should rest. Akshara tried to persuade him to let her go but he didn't let her. Having no other option, she went to her room angrily.

"Akshu, it's okay. You should rest. So you can go tomorrow." Aarohi tried to make her understand.

Akshara nodded sadly.

"Here is Akshu's favourite Kachori." Naira came with Kachori's and Akshara's face lit up instantly.

"Kachoriiii!" Akshara took the plate hurriedly and Naira and Aarohi laughed at her.

"Love you, Mumma. It's so tasty." Akshara said while eating.

After talking for a few minutes, Naira and Aarohi went to their work while Akshara ate her Kachori happily.

Abhimanyu looked for Akshara but didn't find her anywhere.

"Maybe she is on leave," Abhimanyu mumbled to himself.

Abhimanyu felt a little sad. He wanted to meet Akshara.

"What happened?" Neil looked at him teasingly.

"Nothing." Abhimanyu frowned but then shook his head.

Neil gave him a teasing smile and went away from there. Abhimanyu saw Aarohi and asked her about Akshara.

"She is fine. Papa wanted her to rest today, so she didn't come." Aarohi informed. Abhimanyu nodded and Aarohi went away after excusing herself.

Dr Abhimanyu Birla looked so concerned for Akshara.

"I must be thinking too much," Aarohi whispered to herself.

Abhimanyu tried not to think about Akshara and focused on his work. Abhimanyu was sitting in his cabin, focusing on reading his report.

"Hii, Mr Grumpy!" The door of his room opened and Akshara peeked inside.

Abhimanyu looked up at her in shock and Akshara smiled at him, showing her perfect teeth.

How come she is here? Wasn't she suppose to be at home, resting?

When he didn't say come in, Akshara rolled her eyes and entered inside like she owned the damn cabin. Abhimanyu raised an eyebrow at her.

"What are you doing here?" Abhimanyu asked and Akshara looked here and there.
Abhimanyu became more confused.

"Will you speak, what are you doing?" Abhimanyu looked at her.

"Searching for ghosts!" Akshara replied and Abhimanyu frowned.

"Huh?" Abhimanyu looked at her in confusion.

"Of course, I'm in the hospital. I'm here for my work and I came to meet you." Akshara rolled her eyes at him.

"Why are you here to meet me?" Abhimanyu inquired and Akshara looked at him for a few minutes.

"Because I was getting bored." Akshara smiled sweetly.

"So, you came to irritate me?" Abhimanyu glared at her playfully.

"No, why would I do that?" Akshara smiled innocently.

"So you don't irritate me?" Abhimanyu narrowed his eyes playfully at her.

"No," Akshara said sitting on the chair.

"Bhaii!" Neil's barged into his cabin and Abhimanyu opened his eyes and looked here and there.

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