Chapter - 10, Enjoy Akshu

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Akshara look at Aarohi and smiled to herself. Her foot was finally good as it was before. She was happy and chirpy as usual and excited about going to Birla Hospital and meeting everyone including a special Doctor who is very Grumpy.

She woke up early today and as usual planned her prank. She laughed to herself and Aarohi stirred in her sleep.

"Code red. Hide Akshu." Saying this, she hid behind a far corner near the gate, where no one can see her.

Aarohi checks her phone first in the morning. Aarohi was about to pick up the phone but quickly pulled back her hand and looked at her phone.

A scream left past her lips and she jumped out of her bed while doing that her legs got tangled and she fell on the floor on her butt. A groan escaped her before she remembered about the creepy thing on her phone which scares and disgusts her at the same time.

Spider! A Freaking Spider!

On her phone?

The only thing Aarohi hates.

Akshara put a hand on her mouth trying to stop herself from bursting out loud. Aarohi tried to shoo away the damn creature while shrieking like she saw a tiger. The creature was not ready to budge. She frowned.

Why was it not going away?

She shrieked again when she heard a noise. She looked back at the scary and creepy creature which was not ready to move. She tried to pull her phone without touching it and she yelled in joy after doing it but in the process, the spider fell just near her and she screamed when she saw it and Akshara closed her ears.

She backed away a few meters but the spider didn't move and Aarohi got a doubt. She tried to touch it but pulled her hand back again and again when she was just a few seconds away from touching it. Finally, she touched it and pulled back her hand immediately, feeling scared. Her eyes grew wide after she realised it was fake.

"Akshara!" Aarohi shouted and Akshara fell back to the floor as she was sitting on her knees.

This was the cue, Akshara ran away as fast as she could. She reached downstairs and took her breakfast and ran away. Aarohi tried to follow her but she saw her face in the mirror on the dressing table and she looked at her herself horrified.

"Ahhh!" She screamed seeing the weird drawings on her face.

How was she even able to do that?

Drawing? Seriously? On her face?

She saw the little paper or she should say chit attached to the mirror. She picked it up and saw Akshara's writing.

'Hi, Dear Aaru, *Flying Kisses*


Awe, don't be angry. Take the oil I made, it will remove all this. I swear. It's in my drawer.

Your Dear Sister,
Akshu, The Sweetest.

Love you. *innocent smile.*'

Aarohi immediately went to take the bath.

Akshara breathed a sigh of relief after reaching Birla Hospital. She went to meet Manjiri who told her how much she missed her while Akshara hugged her tightly. Harshvardhan also came there at that time and teased her about how there was no chaos in the hospital yesterday and no one was creating the mess and he didn't miss her. Akshara pouted and looked at Manjiri as if complaining to her about Harshvardhan while he laughed at her.

Later he hugged her and caressed her head while she hugged him and told her that he missed her so much and asked about her injury to which Akshara twirled and said that she was completely fine.

While Manjiri and Harshvardhan talked to themselves, Akshara went to look for Neil and on the way, she bumped into Abhimanyu and was talking to Dr Rohan. After seeing her, he dismissed him hurriedly and he went away.

"How are you?" Abhimanyu asked Akshara, feeling himself smiling wider than usual he does.

"Perfectly fine," Akshara said smiling widely.

"Missed me?" Akshara teased.

"Missed you? Huh? I was busy with my work. Why would I miss you?" Abhimanyu replied quickly and Akshara raised her eyebrow at him.

"Oh, maybe because no one was here to irritate you." Akshara smiled at him sweetly and Abhimanyu's heartbeat fastened than it was after seeing her if it was even possible.

"Hi, Partner?" Neil came suddenly from behind Abhimanyu who glared at him for intruding in between.

Couldn't he come a little late?

"Neil! You didn't miss me, right? That's why you didn't even call and ask me and didn't even meet me at the entrance today." Akshara pretended to be hurt and Neil panicked.

"I'm sorry. I thought you would be resting and I had surgery that's why I couldn't meet." Neil replied feeling guilty while Abhimanyu looked at her amused.

He was surprised about how well he can see through her act. He wanted to laugh at the dramatic behaviour but he felt bad for his innocent brother.

As if feeling his gaze on her, Akshara looked up at him and he raised his eyebrow at her as if asking why is she pretending all this? Akshara glared at him to shut up and she nodded sadly at Neil who became more guilty.

She suddenly chuckled not being able to see him like that and lighten the mood.

"I was joking." Akshara put a hand around his shoulder and Abhimanyu narrowed his eyes at that.

"Seriously? You made me feel so guilty." Neil scowled at her and Akshara passed a sheepish smile at him.

"Sorry." She said giving him a sweet smile.

"Sir." One of the nurses called Neil and he went away after telling her to meet later and scolding her for the stupid joke.

"Don't you have some work, Mr Grumpy?" Akshara teased while Abhimanyu grimaced at her.

"Yeah, I have better work than talking to a girl who rambles most of the time." Abhimanyu gave her a sarcastic smile and Akshara scowled at him.

"Who is grumpy and annoyed now?" Abhimanyu asked teasingly and Akshara gave him a forced smile.

"I'm always happy and chirpy. You are the annoyed one here." Akshara rolled her eyes at him.

"Is it?" Abhimanyu questioned mocking her.

"Duh!" Akshara flipped her hair.

"Well, what did you do today?" Abhimanyu asked Akshara who looked at him in confusion.

"Huh?" She said not understanding him.

"Dr Aarohi looks angry." Abhimanyu looked behind her and Akshara hid behind him, making Abhimanyu look at her weirdly.

"Please, don't tell her, I'm here," Akshara said pleading softly.

Abhimanyu smirked at her.

"Dr Aarohi!" Abhimanyu yelled and Aarohi looked at him and Akshara ran away.

Abhimanyu laughed out loud after he saw Akshara trying to save herself from Aarohi.

"Enjoy, Akshu," Abhimanyu said loudly and she turned to glare at him before running away.

Abhimanyu didn't realise what he said.

How was it?

I'm sorry for the late and boring chapter but bear with me this time. The next chapter would be good I swear.

Vote, Comment, guys!

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