Chapter - 7, Sweet and Caring

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"Are you a ghost?" Akshara asked and Abhimanyu shook his head in no.

"Are you a murderer?" Akshara raised her eyebrow and Abhimanyu looked at her weirdly and then shook his head in no.

"Are you a clingy lover?" Akshara asked and Abhimanyu glared at her but shook his head in no.

"Then, why would I hide from you?" Akshara shrugged her shoulders.

"So, what are you doing here?" Abhimanyu questioned and Akshara looked here and there nervously.

"Ring...My earring got lost so...I was finding it. Yeah." Akshara answered while stuttering after some time.

"But you are wearing it?" Abhimanyu looked at her and Akshara gave a nervous smile.

"I found it and wore it. So, I should go now." Akshara rushed past him before he could say something.

She ran away as if there were ghosts behind her. Abhimanyu laughed looking at her who was running away from him.

Suddenly she bumped into Dr Rohan who smiled at her shyly. Akshara backed away from him.

"Hi..." He said giving a shy smile.

Abhimanyu made a face and rolled his eyes.

"Hi....bye." Saying this, Akshara went away. She was nervous because she could still feel Abhimanyu's penetrating gaze.

Abhimanyu smiled seeing Akshara almost sprinting away.

Such a kid!

Abhimanyu glared at Dr Rohan who smiled at him nervously and went away hurriedly.

"You have such an angry face that anyone you look at one time will flee away from there, as Dr Rohan did," Abhimanyu remembered Akshara's word.

Akshara put a hand on her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank God!

A lazy smile graced his lips when he thought about Akshara running away from him. Abhimanyu was looking for Akshara since morning. Unknowingly, he would think about Akshara and a smile would be on his face.

Abhimanyu tried to stop himself from thinking about her but it was in vain.

Abhimanyu reprimanded himself for thinking about her but he couldn't stop himself no matter what.

Has he officially gone crazy while bickering with Akshara?

Akshara chatted with the little boy who was crying because he didn't want to get the injection. Abhimanyu looked at Akshara who was talking with the boy.
Akshara sang a little to distract his mind from the injection.

He found himself smiling. Suddenly someone bumped into him. He was about to scold the person but he stopped when he saw Neil. He glared at him and Neil smiled at him sheepishly.

Neil suddenly looked in the direction Abhimanyu was looking and wiggled his eyebrow mischievously.

"Akshara...huh?" Neil grinned at him like a cheshire cat.

"I will slap you." Abhimanyu stared at him murderously and Neil's smile faded.

"No need to get angry. I'm going." Neil said to Abhimanyu who scowled at him.
"Why is everyone talking about slaps since morning?" Neil frowned, muttering to himself and went away shaking his head.

Harshvardhan looked at his son who was looking at Akshara and smirked and clicked a picture.

Akshara tried to talk to Aarohi who is ignoring her since morning.

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