Chapter - 8, Akshara Goenka was cute

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Akshara pouted suddenly and Abhimanyu looked at her in confusion through the rear view.

"What happened?" Abhimanyu asked Akshara who looked look into his eyes through the rear view.

"I want to drive the bike too," Akshara expressed and Abhimanyu look at her in astonishment.

"You know how to?" Abhimanyu inquired Akshara.

"Of course, I do. My Mumma drives the bike so do I." Akshara stated, smiling proudly.

Abhimanyu gave her an impressed look and soon they reached Goenka's house.

Abhimanyu helped her and took her inside while Akshara struggled. She was thankful for Abhimanyu's help.

When they reached, Mimi looked at them in panic.

"What happened, Akshu?" Mimi asked her after Abhimanyu made her sit on the sofa.

Hearing her voice, Kartik and Naira and Swarna came too.

"What happened, Princess?" Kartik asked Akshara who gave him an assuring smile.

"Nothing, I just twisted my foot and Abhimanyu helped me," Akshara said to Kartik.

Naira told him to sit and Kartik looked at him with scepticism.

"Thank you, Abhimanyu," Naira said to Abhimanyu and gestured to Kartik to say something.

"It's okay. No need to thank me." Abhimanyu smiled warmly and Naira was instantly impressed by him.

Kartik passed him a forced smile when Naira glared at him.

"Thank you, Abhimanyu for helping me." Akshara thanked him smiling softly and Abhimanyu froze, almost feeling her touch on his hand.

"Uh...Yeah. No need to thank me." Abhimanyu said after coming out of his initial shock.

Naira glared at him to say it while Swarna passed the water to Abhimanyu. Mimi and Swarna and Naira were very impressed by him while Kartik looked at him with skepticism.

"Everyone said it already. I don't need to say it now." Kartik mumbled to Naira who gave him a murderous stare.

Kartik noticed Akshara's hand and scowled at them.

His Akshu was so small and naive.

Everyone left to give them some privacy but Kartik looked from behind the pillar.

"You sure you okay?" Abhimanyu asked and Akshara nodded.

"I'm fine." Akshara passed him a sweet smile.

"Shit!" Akshara smacked her forehead.

"I didn't inform Aunty." Akshara looked at Abhimanyu biting her tongue.

"Don't worry, I told her already and I think you should take leave for tomorrow too. You should rest." Abhimanyu said worriedly.

"No..." Akshara tried to deny it.

"Here's the spray. I think I should go. Bye." Abhimanyu cut her off and Akshara frowned a little.

She didn't want him to go, yet.

"He is good. Not that bad." Kartik muttered to himself after Abhimanyu went.

Abhimanyu touched his finger where Akshara has touched it before. He smiled to himself softly.

He groaned and smacked his forehead. After shaking his head, he sat on his bike and drove away.

Kartik brought juice for Akshara who made a face but Kartik's one glare and she drank it without any drama.

After that, he took her to her room. Akshara didn't want to sit in one place but she had to because of her injury. After thinking about some things, her mind went to Abhimanyu and she slept with his thoughts with a sweet smile.

Naira glared at Kartik who smiled sweetly.

"You could have said a thank you. It wouldn't have hurt you." Naira narrowed her eyes at him.

"He said that there was no need to thank." Kartik tried to pull Naira in a back hug but she went away from him and Kartik went behind her trying to calm down his angry sherni.

Abhimanyu went to his cabin. When he entered inside his eyes suddenly went to the bracelet which was on the ground. It had a musical note. He picked it up and inspected it.

It was of Akshara, he instantly remembered. He saw it around her wrist. He played with it after sitting on his chair.

"Akshara." He mumbled to himself and Akshara stirred a little in her sleep.

He fidgetted with the bracelet while checking some files. Abhimanyu sighed after he felt exhaustion washing over him. He massaged his forehead feeling the headache.

Sighing, he put everything in his place and went to his home with Manjiri.

Abhimanyu was in his room, resting while everyone was chit-chatting downstairs.

Suddenly Harshvardhan came and while talking he remembered the picture he clicked and showed them. Everyone looked at the picture in astonishment and Neil told them more about it.

Abhimanyu went downstairs to have dinner with his family. Everyone looked at him smiling widely and Abhimanyu felt weird.

What was so special?

"What happened?" Abhimanyu asked finally after sitting, not being able to handle their stares at him.

"Nothing!" Neil answered hurriedly.

"Yeah, we were just talking about Akshara. She is so sweet." Mahima muttered smiling at him and instantly a tiny smile pulled up on his lips, thinking about her.

Manjiri signalled her husband to look at him and He saw the smile and everyone noticed too. Abhimanyu stopped smiling as he felt everyone's gaze on him.

"What's new? You always talk about her." Abhimanyu said after composing himself.

"But I was telling them about how Akshara twisted her foot and you helped her," Manjiri told everyone and they gave him teasing looks. Abhimanyu looked here and there.

"Yeah, and I saw Bhai gawking at Akshara today while she was singing," Neil said and Nishtha wiggled her eyebrows and Abhimanyu glared at her.
He kicked Neil under the table who grumbled at him.

"I.....I." Abhimanyu didn't know what to say.

"I said the truth why are you kicking me?" Neil said to Abhimanyu who look at him murderously.

Neil gulped.

"Yeah, and your father has something so no need to deny." Saying this, Manjiri passed the phone to him.

Abhimanyu looked at the phone and his eyes widened. His family laughed at his expression.

"I don't like Akshara." Nishtha mimicked him while Abhimanyu glared at her.

He secretly shared the picture on his phone while his family was laughing.

"She's so clumsy." Parth mimicked him again and Abhimanyu closed his eyes feeling a little embarrassed.

"And so messy." Shefali teased him.

Abhimanyu ate his food hurriedly while his family laughed and teased him.

"I will slap you," Neil said mimicking Abhimanyu and he glared at him and got up to leave.

As soon as he went, everyone laughed louder. Manjiri looked at her son and smiled happily.

Abhimanyu smiled to himself and ruffled his hair. He looked at the picture and grinned. He laid down on the bed and sighed.

Akshara Goenka was cute.

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