Chapter - 11, I will try to find my way to you

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Akshara hid in a storeroom. She cursed Abhimanyu for doing this. If he didn't want her to hide behind him, he could have simply said it.

But no, Mr Grumpy has to do this!

Akshara looked at the darkroom and frowned. She hates darkness and closed rooms. It suffocates her. She squirmed hearing the noise of a mouse and turned the doorknob to go outside but seeing Aarohi she decided to stay for a few minutes. She doesn't know what will Aarohi do but she looks very angry. Akshara switched on the light and bent down and sat on the floor, hiding from Aarohi.

Aarohi searched for her but she didn't find her anywhere. A nurse called her and she went to her work forgetting about Akshara.

Abhimanyu laughed thinking about Akshara and then he realised that he called her, Akshu instead of Akshara. He smiled to himself remembering her face.

"She must be very angry at me and will scold me later for doing that," Abhimanyu said to himself and laughed again.

After that, he got busy with his work. Manjiri looked for Akshara but didn't find her and she started the therapy session herself.

After hearing her, Akshara stood up to go. She dusted her clothes and looked outside. She didn't find Aarohi and breathed a sigh of relief.

Akshara turned the doorknob and tried to open the door. She looked at the door horrified. Suddenly the lights went off and she shrieked in horror and her phone fell. She heard the noise of a mouse again and jumped a little. She felt suffocated in the darkroom and pulled the door again to open it.

"No, no," Akshara muttered to herself and banged on the door.

"Is anyone here?" Akshara shouted but her voice couldn't be heard outside and no one can see her from the little window inside.

Akshara was getting more panicked as the seconds passed, her breathing became uneven and her hands trembled due to fear.

Manjiri's song came and she calmed down a little but as soon as it stopped, Akshara fell to the floor. Her body shook in the darkness. Akshara tried to focus on her breathing. She remembered about her phone and tried to find it, still trying to focus on her breathing.

"P...please, God." She whispered to herself.

She searched for it and she heard the mouse's voice very near her and she flinched back and found the phone near her foot. She thanked God and tried to call anyone with trembling hands. Tears pooled in her eyes blurring her vision and she tapped a random number thinking it to be Aarohi's.

"Please...please...pick up." Akshara was getting more scared as the minutes were passing and no one picked up the call.

"Hello." Akshara breathed a sigh of relief but then realised whose voice is on the other side.

"Abhi...Abhimanyu...I " Akshara's panicked voice came and Abhimanyu was alerted.

"Akshu, you okay?" Abhimanyu asked worriedly, feeling himself getting panic.

" I...I..locked door...storeroom." She muttered getting panicked as she saw the mouse through her phone's flashlight.

Abhimanyu understood and went to get the keys to the storeroom while trying to talk to her ought to distract her.

"So what did Dr Aarohi do to you?" Abhimanyu gestured to the man and mouthed to him and he gave the keys.

"I...I saved myself and got locked in this dark room." Akshara answered closing her eyes. Abhimanyu's voice was calming her and she was feeling less panicky than before.

Abhimanyu sprinted towards the storeroom while talking to her. When he reached the storeroom, he breathed in relief. Still talking to her he opened the door and Akshara heard the click sound she smiled happily. As soon as the door opened and she saw Abhimanyu, she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. She cried and buried her head in his chest. Abhimanyu was shocked but hugged her tightly while caressing her head softly. He felt himself calming too as he hugged her.

He doesn't know why but when he heard her panicked and crying voice, he felt himself getting restless and panicked.
As if it was him who was locked inside. It was weird but it was the truth that he can't see Akshara in any kind of pain or problem.

Akshara still sobbed in his arms and Abhimanyu soothingly caressed her hair.

"I...I was so scared." Akshara said looking up at him innocently.

Abhimanyu looked at her with adoration and cupped her cheeks in his hands.

"It's okay. I'm here." He said wiping her tears and Akshara nodded.

"Why are you crying now? I said it is okay." Abhimanyu asked when tears pooled in her eyes again.

"What if no one had come?" Akshara asked with tears and Abhimanyu wiped them again.

"It's okay. Though you irritate me a lot, I would have found you. I can't say the same about you." Abhimanyu joked.

Akshara smiled a little.

"I will be always there to find you," Abhimanyu muttered while kissing her forehead. Akshara's heartbeat fastened and she looked at him in surprise.

Abhimanyu closed her wide mouth open and tried to stifle his laugh.

Akshara Goenka is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E.

"What happened?" Abhimanyu asked innocently.

"N...Nothing." Akshara blushed and looked here and there while trying to hide it from him.

"What is that on your cheeks?" Abhimanyu asked pointing at her cheeks and Akshara covered both her cheeks.

"N...nothing! What would be there?" Akshara asked hiding her cheeks. Abhimanyu laughed loudly and Akshara looked at him in awe.

"So cute," Akshara murmured in a daze and Abhimanyu's ear turned red.

He quickly recovered from it and looked at her mischievously.

"I'm cute. So Akshara Goenka who used to think that I'm grumpy now thinks that I'm cute?" Abhimanyu teased.

"I...I..." Akshara stood stunned.

"Dr Abhimanyu, Harshvardhan Sir is calling you." A nurse informed them and Abhimanyu nodded.

"By the way, Handsome suits better but I'm okay with whatever you say." Saying this, Abhimanyu kissed her forehead and went away hurriedly.

Akshara touched her cheek with widened eyes and her wide-opened jaw.

Abhimanyu Birla kissed her forehead and that too twice.

Bless her poor heart, it was beating too fast and Abhimanyu Birla would be the death of her.

Akshara's cheeks turned crimson and she smiled to herself.

"I will try to find my way to you," Akshara whispered to herself while smiling widely.

I think in starting, I said there will be two-three chapters but I came up way too far with it.

But no regrets, Cause I'm loving it.

Tell me which one is your favourite chapter?

Hope you are loving it.

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AbhiRa2005 For you.

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