Chapter 7

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The week continued to progress slowly. I had taken all of my things from Taylor's place to the new apartment and I had thrown myself into decorating. I kept a simple plain colour scheme. My plan was to bring in different colours through items and objects and textures. I also wanted to maximise hidden storage space because I was just weird like that. I hadn't actually started work on my bedroom yet. I was saving it until last.

I could see exactly what I wanted to do with the space. I wanted to put mirrored sliding wardrobes on the wall as you came in the door, which would instantly make the room more lighter and more spacious than it already was. I'd paint a feature wall behind the bed with different shades of grey and black in paint splatters. It'd be fun. I was going to get an sunken oak bed and hang a linen sheet from the ceiling, creating a cascading canopy. And that was it. I wanted it plain. Simplicity was the key. Obviously I'd add more me but that was the basics.

"Hey, I brought you coffee," Jessie said popping her head around the door as I had finished building the black glass coffee table for the living room.

"Aw, thanks beautiful," I smiled placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Rowan in here looks fab with the sofa and table. It's really coming together," she stated.

"Yeah, I'm getting there, I've done the two guest rooms," I informed her.

I kept them basically the same except I ran a red colour scheme in one and a yellow in the other with the grey scale that themes throughout the house. I say on the couch placing the last bolt into the coffee table before flipping it over. I took the coffees from Jessie.

"A coffee table with coffees, how original," I smirked, causing Jessie to giggle. I grabbed her by the hips and brought her down to my lap.

"You look gorgeous today," I complimented Jessie, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Shut up you," she blushed.

"Don't be shy cutie, you never used to be," I said.

"I said shut up," she repeated, slapping my knee playfully.

"That's more like it," I giggled, kissing up her neck.

"Well do you remember how we used to go and party?" Jessie asked. "Do you think you could stop being a boring sod and come out with me tonight?"

I kissed the other side of her face.

I breathed. "I'll see."

"Soooo...," I began carefully. "Since we are talking about how things used to be, do you think you'd like to spend more time here because I like having you around."

"I'm here most days babe," Jess replied.

"No I mean like more permanently," I stated. I kissed Jessie's lips again. After needing air I stayed close to her keeping my eyes closed and resting my forehead on hers.

"I mean if it's too early it's fine, I just thought since I'm not going anywhere someone should keep my bed warm," I said drawing my head back. That was my way of asking her to move in. I think she got that.

Jessie smirked. "Well, I guess it couldn't do any harm." I kissed up her neck just like I had moments before.

"You best show me the bedroom plans then, Jones," she moaned as my hands began to wander.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I took her up the stairs, skilfully opening the door to now, our, bedroom with my elbow might I add. Her hands had traveled up my back and into my hair deepening the kiss. I slammed us into the wall.

"I'm thinking, wardrobes, right here," I panted between kisses.

Jessie swung her legs down so she was standing on her feet and she slammed me this time, right into the balcony door. Her mouth moving to my collarbones.

"I'm also thinking like, white curtains, but thin enough to let some light filter through," I moaned as she sucked and teased every right spot.

"Row, I really don't care about the room," she almost growled seductively as she pushed her knee into my groin causing me to lose strength in my knees. We slouched into the floor.

Our clothes then began coming off. First t-shirts, then bras. I began to take off her trousers as Jessie looked at me sternly. 

"Jess, don't tease," I groaned. She didn't once falter, instead her hand just massaged me harder.

"Rowan, you need to learn that patience is a virtue and that good things come to those who wait," she lectured.

"Jessie, I swear to god if you don't shut up I'll make you," I threatened, the fire in my crotch continuing to burn.

"I'd like to see you try," she challenged.

So I did, I tossed us over, and ripped off my belt before shrugging out of my jeans. Let's just say Jessie was rendered speechless for the rest of the day. 

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now