Chapter 22

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The next few months flew past. Completely. I was busy with work, and although I loved spending time with my beautiful little family, I was being demanded to co-star and choreograph other music videos and other little business aids. I had a hard time deciding whether to start working again or stay at home and look after my two gorgeous girls. But I had just been offered a sponsorship, which Jessie was adamant that I should take, and after much internal debating I decided I would because I could begin to provide for my family again. Currently, I was on my way back from shooting a video in Paris for the deal.

The early morning flight gave me an awful lot to think about. Paris wasn't really all it was hyped up to be. I mean the scenery, that I got to see, was breath-taking but I just wasn't feeling the city of love. It was superficial and staged. It just didn't feel real. Not compared to the connection Jessie and I shared. Now that was love.

I must have dosed off during my obsessive inner monologue because soon my shoulders were being shook awake by a member of the cabin crew. The sun shone threw the window.

"Sorry to disturb you Miss, but we are about to land," she informed me.

I put my seatbelt on and a little later we had safely landed on the run way. I had no problems making my way through the airport due to only carrying hand luggage. Best decision of my life! Turning on my phone I checked the time before calling a cab. I arrived home at 8.30am, where I heard a sore little sob coming from Jessie and I's bedroom. Harper was always grumpy when her milk wasn't coming fast enough. I went in the room to see Harper lying on the changing mat in the room and Jessie tearing up on the bed with her head in her hands. I went into protective mode immediately.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry baby," I told Jessie after ditching my bag and kissing Jessie's head. "It's alright beautiful, what's wrong?"

"She won't shut up and my mum wants me to go back to work and I'm hungry and I missed you," Jessie cried as I changed Harper's nappy. "I really missed you."

I soothed Jessie now, while feeding Harper, "I was only gone two days darling, but I'm back now."

Jessie sat up. I kissed her lips tenderly, showing her I missed her too.

Harper burped as she finished her bottle. I chuckled and Jessie let out a little giggle before I began winding her.

"Do you want to go to McDonald's in gross sweats and eat junk food?" I smiled as Harper went over in my arms.

"Yeah," Jessie smiled, wiping her tears.

"Get changed then you, I'll put Harper in her car seat and strap her in. You have 5 minutes slow poke," I smiled resting my forehead on hers and giving her another kiss. "Get your perky little ass in gear," I smirked, giving it a squeeze after she stood up.

I left the bedroom to go get Harpers baby bag sorted as I heard Jessie telling me she wouldn't be long. I strapped Harper in her seat and took her out to my car strapping her in there too. I got in, started the car and put my seatbelt on waiting for Jess.

She was stressed. I was going to help her unwind. She needed a little break and there was nothing wrong with that. A care free few days would do her the world of good. I set out to ensure she got the best break she could have, however it wasn't guaranteed my time away would be completely worry free. I had other ideas.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now