Chapter 9

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"Rowan, come on you need to get up," Jessie said, shaking my shoulders.

"Screw you," I sighed, reluctantly reaching over to the bedside table and lifting my glasses. I really couldn't be bothered with this shit.

"You can later," Jessie smirked.

"Can we just lie here and resume last night?" I groaned.

"What went down last night?" Jessie questioned, innocently.

"Well you did anyways," I smirked as she leaned over the bed to kiss me. I took the opportunity and grabbed her ass. She moaned and fell onto the bed. I pulled her up my body and she straddled my waist. Her hands ran over the duvet which was the only thing between her and my naked body. My hands fell to the small of her back where they crept up her shirt. Man, her skin was always so soft. I sat up to meet Jessie as the kiss grew deeper due to her tongue grazing mine. This caused the duvet to fall to my waist. As I explored her mouth with my tongue her hands trailed up my bare sides.

*Beep, beep, beep*.

Jessie pulled back panting for air. "Baby, you really need to get dressed. We have to leave for work in 10 minutes."

I groaned as Jessie went back into the bathroom to fix her hair. Work with Jessie. Maybe it wasn't going to be too bad at all. I got up and pulled on some underwear and a pair of sweats deciding that I should stay topless for the time being. If Jessie was going to tease, well then so was I.

I walked into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth before I felt Jessie's presence behind me. She began kissing up my back, grazing her lips over my shoulders. I finished brushing my teeth before turning around and placing my hands on her hips. She began kissing down my jaw.

"Jessica, if you don't stop now we aren't going to be able to leave this house today," I sighed.

Jessie stepped back and threw a bra at me. "Then stop being so god damn irresistible."

We finally left the house and arrived at the studios only 5 minutes late. That was good, considering.

For the first half hour I got a brief and listened to the song Jessie was making the music video for. It was called Burning Up. Very sexy. We listened to it a few times before Jessie was called into the sound room where they had to do some final mixing or something along those lines. I was instructed to brainstorm some ideas for the dance.

This time I spent wisely. And I actually worked hard. This was the first huge thing I'd done for music videos and it could be the start of a career I really wanted. I came up with stuff for the chorus. About 2 hours later Jessie came back with about 6 other girls. Obviously they'd be dancing too.

I began teaching them the choreography for the song. Let me tell you something. I thought working with Jessie would be fun. I was wrong. There was nothing as painful. Watching her work hard to pick up the moves quickly, causing her to sweat and discard a few layers. It was hard for me to concentrate. Jessie stormed on however and performed the dance just a few hours later. It made the want that I always had grow for her even more. I knew that once we got home I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her. 

Soon we had a break and Holly stopped by.

"Hey you," Holly smiled as I took a swing of my water before passing it to Jessie.

"Hello," I smiled back.

"Doing well I guess?" She asked.

She stayed for the lunch hour and we talked. Or I tried to hold a conversation. I was just distracted, if you got me. I spent most of the time staring holes through Jessie's clothes as she touched me in innocent places and I completely tingled all over. The effect that Jessie had on me was always intense but working with her made it grow into something much stronger.  Lunch was over and it was back to work. The hours seemed to completely fly by and everyone had learned the dance by the end of the day. Apparently we'd start filming tomorrow. When Jessie and I got home it was around 7pm. I turned around to find her staring at me.

"So Burning Up?" I asked.

"What about it?" She questioned.

I shrugged. "Sexy."

"So are you," Jessie said.

That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I lunged for her, our lips meeting in a hurried mess. Kisses grew hungry and hands grew desperate. That night, let me tell you was something else, we christened the couch and the new rug.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now