Chapter 10

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And that's the way the next week progressed. It was very hard to get out of bed in the morning because we just didn't want to put clothes on. Then everyday on set we just wanted to rip them off. It was absolutely crazy. It was literally like we couldn't be curb our appetite's and our need for each other. We couldn't get enough, no matter what we tried to do, or didn't try. It was very tense mind you. And it was hard to get the balance right.

The hard part was visiting Jessie's parents at the weekend. It was her nieces birthday party and we had been invited around.


"So how are the pair of you?" Hannah asked us both.

"Yeah, we are good aren't we Rowan?" Jessie asked from my knee.

"Yeah, we are good," I smiled.

"Hannah, don't listen to a word those two tell you, they're better than good. They can't keep their fucking hands off each other," Holly jeered.

"Screw you, Holly," I muttered.

"You know I went to visit them the other day and I heard them," she continued. "I didn't even get the whole way up the path."

Hannah laughed, "God Jessie, keep it in your pants."

"Rowan, you must be very good in bed," Holly chuckled. I smirked at that comment.

"If you're banging so much now just imagine what your honeymoon is going to be like," she coaxed. I could see Jessie was starting to get wound up. I tightened my arm around her waist.

"Screw the damn wedding. Just jump straight to the steamy honeymoon," Holly giggled like a little school girl.

"Shut up Holly," Jessie warned. Just then Rose came over.

"What's going on guys?" She asked.

"Jessie's having lots of sex!" Hannah exclaimed, before either Jessie or myself could conjure up something to say.

"Hannah leave your sister alone, so what if she is. It's got nothing to do with you," her mum dispersed the teasing.


I rolled over and tried to prise my eyes open. I seen Jessie sitting up with her back against the headboard, her fingers typing like crazy.

"Morning lazy," Jessie grinned.

I sat up reaching for a shirt and pulled it on before grabbing my glasses and downing the whole glass of water on the bedside table.

"Why are you so chirpy?" I asked, my voice deep and husky from sleep.

"Augh, my god. I love it when you sound like that. It literally makes me want I jump you," she groaned.

"Answer my question hot stuff," I replied wanting to know why she was so awake at 10am on her day off.

Jessie began to grin from ear to ear. "You know you're just totally amazing. The music video has only been out for a week and it is already nominated for an award."


"What do you mean?" I asked a little confused.

"Rowan, the video is nominated for three VMA's. Do you know what this means for you?" She shrieked jumping up and sitting in my lap. "It's nominated for video of the year, best female video and, best choreography!"

"Whoa," I sighed clearly elated.

"This is amazing," Jessie insisted. she raised her eyebrow. "We should celebrate."

"How?" I asked.

"Oh, I wouldn't know, I just thought maybe you'd like to..." Jessie slide her left hand up my right thigh. "Be appreciated."

"Shouldn't we maybe wait to see if we won?" I joked menacingly. I seen Jessie's expression changed as she thought she had just been rejected. I laughed at her earning myself a slap on the chest before I flipped us over and began to show Jessie exactly how much I appreciated her.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now