Chapter 21

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"How do you like your eggs in the morning," I heard Jessie singing while making breakfast as I came down the stairs.

"I like mine with a kiss," I smirked, snaking my hands around her waist.

"Aw shoot. I'm going to have to do yours again," she said, turning around in my arms kissing my lips. I could taste the fresh minty toothpaste on her tongue as mine crashed with hers multiple times. She hasn't been awake long. I jumped as the toast popped.

Jessie giggled, "Move you freaking weirdo."

I helped Jessie butter the toast. Well I tried. I probably just distracted her a lot more than anything. Soon we were lip locked making out intensely with Jess on the kitchen bench. My hand tailed up the inside of her leg and one of Jessie's hands were in my hair, making my bed hair even worse. Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat behind us. I jumped away from Jess as she slid off the counter.

"Good morning dad," I blushed. "Happy Fathers Day."

"Good morning indeed it seems," he chuckled.

"Paul, I made you breakfast," Jessie smiled putting the eggs and toast down in front of my dad accompanied with a cup of tea.

"You sure know how to redeem yourself," he smiled to Jessie before turning to look at me. "She's a keeper Row, and you should take a leaf out of her book."

"Oh dad, I know. And don't you worry, I got you the paper," I smirked, wrapping my arm back around Jessie's waist.

"I'm getting spoilt today by two of my gorgeous girls!" He exclaimed as my mother came threw the door.

"Three now, I've made a dinner reservation," my mother interrupted with a cheesy grin.

It was a very family orientated day. Lying around the house until lunch time before we decided to go for a walk. Going for a walk ended up in just calling into a cafe for food before walking back. Mum informed is that she had reserved 9 seats at the restaurant in order for Stephen and Rose to come. I grinned at this, it was perfect, everyone seemed to be happy and enjoyed each other's company. We really were becoming one big happy family.

Soon it was time to get ready, which was never a problem at our house. I showered in Jessie and I's room first before Jessie bathed Lexi and I Harper. I wore skinny fit jeans and a navy patterned shirt with a plain white t-shirt below. After waxing my hair I was ready to move on to getting Harper ready. This was a harder job than most. I didn't really know what to let her wear and Jessie ended up taking her off me.

Finally we were all ready and made our way to the restaurant. Soon Stephen and Rose arrived. And much to my mother's delight Rose requested two additional seats upon arrival for Hannah and Rachel. Once they arrived we ordered a round of drinks before the conversations started.

"It was just like that time Dad took us camping with the bear," Rachel confessed, giggling, after I told her how my dad was adamant he could always score from a corner on those Sunday afternoons of playing football with my cousins out the back.

"Yes!" Jessie exclaimed in fits of laughter. "Tell them about it!"

"Okay so, he went though this 'hiking and camping' phase and insisted it was the perfect family bonding time. Anyways, we had hiked up this mountain and set up 'camp' for the night. And we were sitting around the fire before we went to bed and he assured us that there was 'nothing to fear' because he could easily 'take a bear in combat'. So Hannah, Jessie and I took some of his clothes and ripped them and hung them to a tree pretending a bear had been there," she chuckled.

"He was petrified in the morning!" Hannah informed everyone.

"He roped them into Karate lessons for a month learning self-defence," Rose grinned.

After a lovely evenings dining with our family, it was time to go as Harper and Lexi began to get a little whiney. We got home quite late and everyone retired to bed after a few jokes at the expense of Lacey and Peter's sex life. Something none of us wanted to think about too much. It had been great meeting Lacey's boyfriend. He really was a lovely guy and he was good for Lacey.

"Soo..." Jessie sighed as she wriggled into my front after putting Harper down.

"So what?" I replied in a hushed tone.

"That was a lovely evening," she breathed in satisfaction. I could hear the smile on her face.

"Yeah, I couldn't wish for anything more to be honest," I explained. "It makes me so happy my family and yours get on so well."

"Yeah, me too," Jessie confessed before growing quiet. She began to play with my fingers, my ring finger in particular, before she turned around in my arms.

"Do you want to, or do you think that we will ever get married?" Jessie asked me.

I took a moment to think about my answer.

"Before, I never really pictured it. Like I never seen myself settling down, ever. It's like I never really seen the point in it. But now it's something I understand and an idea I've grown accustomed to," I replied. "So, I suppose if you want to, we will, someday."

Jessie smiled and I kissed her ring finger. There was a comfortable silence as we basked in each other's company.

"Do you think we will ever have another baby?" I smirked, moving my hands up Jessie's top.

"Well, maybe someday. I mean I do love the process of the manufacture," she grinned, climbing onto my waist. "But I think we need a little more practice before we make any, rash decisions," she breathed down my neck.

Let's just say that was all that I needed to hear before the practise began long into the hours. Oi, don't judge. Practice makes perfect.

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now