Chapter 14

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It's still fiction... Remember that pls. & The fact I don't know anything about this.

It was a very anxious 4 hours in the hospital. Jessie was admitted immediately and doctors started tests as soon as she was through the door. However myself and Jessie's family were restricted to the family room as it was classified as a major emergency. For the first two hours Rose told me to "stop pacing because she'll be okay," and Stephen took me for numerous coffees and Jess' sisters tried to get me to download apps onto my phone but after the 2 hour point I think they got the message that I couldn't sit still, stay seated, stop pacing, or not fidget and just have up trying.

"That's it," I said rising to my feet. "She's been here for hours now and we haven't heard one thing. I'm going to find out!" I stormed out the door with Hannah following me.

"Where's Jessie?! What is wrong with her?" I demanded at the desk.

"Miss Jones could you please return to the waiting room," the lady asked.

"No. I demand to know where Jessie is," I said sternly.

"Jessica Cornish?" a man announced from behind. I turned around quickly. "I have her files here, please follow me."

We went back into the family room and Hannah sat down. I stood at the door.

"So Jessie has had a very traumatic time it seems. The pain she was in was excruciating so we gave her a general anaesthetic for the pain while we finished running our tests. All of them came back clear. No appendicitis, no bowel or kidney infections, nothing. But we did pick up on something in the blood test," the doc stated. He looked at Jessie's parents before turning to me.

"You're her partner, correct?" He asked, I nodded. "It seems Jessie had conceived a few months ago. The embryo developed without complication for what we believe, the first 8 weeks, before it implanted on the Fallopian wall. She had an ectopic pregnancy. The baby developed in the tube for another 10 weeks before the tube exploded, causing her a great deal of pain. She's in surgery. They are unable to save the ovary and tube and we are currently in the dark about the fetus. Although it is looking very unlikely for any chance of survival."

I just stared at him. What was he fecking on about?

"I'll keep you posted, about Jessie and the baby," he informed us before leaving.

I stood rooted to the spot and unable to move. No one spoke for at least ten minutes.

"Somebody say something," Rachel sighed.

"I-, I-, She, You, uh," I stammered. There were no words. I just didn't understand.

Stephen stood up and came over to me resting his arm on my shoulder and rubbing my shoulder blade.

Just then Taylor burst through the door. "I got here as fast as I can. She's not pregnant is she?" Taylor laughed looking at me. Everyone else looked down.

"Eh, She was," Rachel mumbled. Rubbing the back of her head.

"Still is, maybe," Stephen corrected, throwing me a sorrowful grimace.

"She's had an ectopic pregnancy for just over 2 months. She's in surgery," Rose informed her.

"Aw shoot. I'm sorry," Taylor apologised. "Well at least we know what's going on," She pointed out. "You're going to have a baby?" Taylor asked me.

Oh holy moley. What was I going to do. I knew that I was going to be there 100% for Jessie, no matter the outcome but can I deal with this huge responsibility if it goes the complete opposite way that it looks to go now? I felt everyone's eyes on me waiting for an answer.

"I um, I need some time to think about this. I'm going to go for a walk. I know it looks like I'm walking out but I'm not, I have somethings that I need to get my head around but I wouldn't do that to Jessie, not again," I defended myself to nobody in particular.

"Yeah, we understand. It's a lot to take in for 20 minutes news. Take as much time as you need," Stephen consoled.

"Thanks, and let me know if you hear anything?" I asked.

"Of course.".

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now