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*2 years later*

"So, how was the wedding?" Peter asked, as we waited for dessert.

"Beautiful," Hannah smiled.

"It was perfect," Jess beamed.

"Aye, at least your J means something now," I chuckled, just as our desserts arrived.

"Oh for flip sake," Clair groaned as I leaned in to give Jessie another spoonful of the dessert we had ordered between us.

"What is wrong with you now?" Jessie asked Clair after she had swallowed her mouthful of food.

"I'm sick of you pair," she joked, smugly. "You've only been back two days and you're smothering me with your God awful lovey dovey crap, you guys aren't on your honeymoon any more, Holy shit." She finished speaking with a smile.

"Shit," Harper stated mimicking Clair's grin, her milk teeth on full view.

"Harper, no. That's naughty," I scoulded. Her grin soon turned to a huffed frown.

"Watch your language in front of the poor child, you're almost as bad as Rowan," Rose scolded jokingly, at Clair this time. I pretended to be shocked.

"Rowan's mouth is awful. I almost washed it out with soap when she was younger," my mum laughed.

"Shut up mum," I blushed before Jessie took her turn to feed me a spoonful of the beautiful dessert before us.

"Me?" Harper asked, wanting to taste the chocolate fondant.

"Open wide," I told her, taking the spoon from Jessie and putting a small amount of the chocolate on the tip of the spoon.

"Nom, nom!" she shrieked. This of course caused the whole family to burst into fits of giggles.

After everyone finished up their desserts we all headed down to have a mid summers night stroll along the river walk. The three children, Harper and Jessie's niece and nephew, were in prams, and Lexi's buggy was here just incase she decided she wanted to give her legs a little rest. It was a very mild evening and stories turned to what we got up to on our honeymoon.

"My favourite was seeing the Christ the Redeemer statue," Jessie said, slipping her arm around my waist as I pushed Harper.

"What was your's?" She asked.

"Definitely the tour of the Maracana Stadium babe," I smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Did they even get out of the bedroom?" Lacey asked with a mischievous smirk, causing Clair and Holly to bask in hysterics.

"Lacey, I'd watch what you say girlie. You've done the dirty enough times at my house during your 'weekend breaks' with your boyo over there," I warned sternly, however, I couldn't fault the pair of them they have been through thick and thin in the past two years and not once have they strayed from each other's side. Peter even got down on one knee at the start of the year.

"I'm just waiting for their first child," my dad sighed. Everyone avoided that conversation because the thoughts of Lacey taking those final steps to grow into the beautiful young adult she was going to be was quite frightening. Conversations continued which were mainly based around mind and Jessie's life and vice versa. The talked topics were predominately about Jessie and I's work and if another move was on the cards.

After another short while we had finished the walk and it had grown late. We all split up and went our separate ways, parting for the night. Once Jessie and my family got back home we sat down and had a lovely cuppa before we retired for the night and went to bed.

But apparently sleeping wasn't on Jessie's mind as she suddenly sat up right, causing my body to turn around. She sat on my hips and grabbed my hands lacing our fingers together.

"It was cute when your dad brought up Lacey having a child," Jessie said, playing with my wedding ring.

"Yeah, it's clearly something he thinks about but I can tell he doesn't want to at the same time," I confessed with a smile.

"It got me thinking," Jessie began. "I think it would be nice to have someone to keep Harper company..." She trailed off kissing my lips lightly.

"I mean I guess it would be nice for her," I said faking my hesitancy.

"Can we make a baby?" she asked. My huge smile was enough for her as she attached her lips to mine, this time with more hunger than before. I didn't reply. No words were needed, for I knew exactly how to show Jessie I felt the exact same way. Her hands flew up my t-shirt but I gripped her wrists, slowing her down. There was no need for such haste. I rolled us on to our sides. No bottom, no top tonight. No, tonight we were going to be equal. We started undressing each other slowly, once I had slowed the pace resulting in so much raw emotion dripping into every touch. I spread kisses down Jessie's neck and collar bone to worship her body while she massaged my arms and back to do the same to me. I had never felt so important to someone and so needed by them in all my life before. It was beautiful. And as the night drew on we expressed our love in many actions. Once we had finished together I placed a firm kiss on Jessie's now sweaty forehead as she breathed the three simple words that would never fail to make my heart pound.

"I love you," Jessie said.

"I love you too Jessica Jones," I replied in a hushed whisper. "Always and forever."


Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now