Chapter 23

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"You look beautiful," I smiled as Jessie came out of the bedroom which was beside the kitchenette. The layout of our hotel was weird.

She had appeared in a black one shoulder dress. I don't really know how it sat or what it was called but Jessie looked amazing in it. The dress was lose enough to flow freely but hugged her figure in all the right places showing off her body totally. Her hair cascaded down her back with subtle waves adding excitement while a few locks framed her natural face. Light blusher brought her cheeks to life while the silver make up complimented her eyes beautifully, completely enhancing her green eyes. Her look was completed my a light red lip, the most eye catching alteration she had chosen. She really was a natural beauty.

"Where are we going?" Jessie pondered as to why we were dressed to such an occasion.

She had obviously picked up on my attempts to be dapper. My black and white attire accompanied Jessie's very well. My crisp white shirt looked clean and neat as the silver buckle belt held it snug under my black skinny dress jeans. The formal black blazer on my arm would provide my outfit with the signature look. I had quiffed my hair up out of my face and discarded any blemishes with a quick coat of powder. However, I did jump head first into the bottle of aftershave.

"That uh, little restaurant on the beach. You know? The really nice one. I want to make the most of our time here in Cornwall," I rambled.

Jessie smiled. I knew she loved it here. It seemed like the perfect retreat after such a stressful few months for Jessie and I. The romantic walks and activities have really seemed to be exactly what she needs.

"Off we go then?" Jessie asked. I nodded in reply.

The beach was in walking distance to our hotel. And as dusk was breaking it was a relaxed atmosphere for almost all. Our light footsteps matched, as did our staggered breaths. The sense of need never really finished with Jessie as I always caught her stealing glances when she though I wasn't looking, making us both grin like idiots an me swing our hands like lovestruck teenagers.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, giving Jessie's hand a squeeze as we entered the restaurant.

"Just you, you big cheesy idiot," she replied causing me to chuckle.

Soon the waiter came and took us to our seats. A candle lit table in a quiet area of the restaurant. once we received our menus we ordered drinks before deciding what to eat.

"I don't know what to get," Jessie huffed, kicking my legs in the process.

"Alright Moody Margaret, why don't we share," I asked, stifling a laugh.

"You've been watching too much Horrid Henry with Harper," Jessie taunted.

"No, I've just been watching it on my own thanks," I gloated, playfully.

After we had both finished with our fits if laughter we finally decided I would get a steak Dianne, medium of course and Jessie would get pan fried sea bass on a plate of noodles and as arranged, we shared our dishes. Along with fresh baked brownies and chocolate ice cream. After enjoying another drink I paid the bill and tipped the waiter before leaving.

The evening had been a blast.

"Do you want to take a stroll along the beach?" I asked Jessie cautiously.

"Yeah, I course I do. I love it here," Jessie told me as my hand slipped out of hers. Get your freaking crap together Rowan. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jacket and placed my arm around her waist.

"Tell me one of your stories?" I smiled. More so at the idea of coming up with a distraction.

"Okay well once we came down, as always, for a family holiday. And mum thought it would be a good idea to try to teach us to surf. Anyways, she hires a guy and off we go when a wave comes in and knocks us all off our boards. So we are all giggling in the sea before we hear this shriek. Mum beings thrashing around and splashing in the water and the lifeguard jumps in. Once he gets over to her order is restored and he asks what's wrong. Mum told him a jellyfish touched her foot. Long story short. It was just the draw string of the surf board," Jessie chuckles at the end of her story.

I loved hearing her stories. They were the best. I wanted to make sure Harper had plenty to tell her friends and whoever else.

Finally, I seen the glow emitting from the gazebo on the beach - we had finally reached our destination. As we got closer Jessie began to grow confused at the tea lights and the blanket and such.

"What's all this?" Jessie asked.

"Just a little surprise," I smiled as I pulled her on to the blanket beside me, reaching into the picnic basket to pull out some strawberries and sugar.

"So this is why you'd only let us get one dessert?" Jessie asked. I chuckled.

We sat on the blanket, taking turns to feed each other strawberries and sugar before it got a little messy. Jessie decided it would be fun to lick my face to stick sugar to it. I packed everything into the basket and subtly grabbed the blue box slipping it into my pocket. My foot hit the CD player and Thinking Out Loud began.

"Come dance with me," I asked Jessie, offering her my hand. I helped pull her to her feet so she could move slowly with me to the rhythm of the music. We slow danced together in the candle lit beach with a warm summers breeze battling with the candles gently. Jessie and I stared into each others eyes and began conversing with just longing stares. Before long the music ended and faded off. Jessie closed her eyes and smiled.

"Tonight has been perfect," Jessie stated.

I took a step back. And a deep breath, might I add and hoped for the best. Here goes nothing.

"You are perfect for me Jess. You make me strong where I am weak, you help me succeed where I fail, you are there to pick me up when I'm down and you make everything feel right, even if it is going so terribly wrong. I live to make you happy. You are one of the few things in this small world that matters to me. That beautiful smile on your face," I said as I stroked her lip with my thumb, "is the reason I love to see what each and every new day will bring. I finally understand why people like to watch those they love sleep, as I do you, and that's because my reality is finally better than anything I could have ever dreamed off." I took a breath before pulling the box from my pocket, opening it and getting down on one knee. "Jessica Ellen Cornish. I promise to love you every moment of forever. Will you do me the extraordinary honour of marrying me?"

Just The Way It Is - Sequel to That's Ma Name (Edited) Where stories live. Discover now